In Facebook Live Chat, Natalie Coughlin Talks Diet & Her Upcoming Meet

by Charlotte Holz 9

September 14th, 2016 Lifestyle, News

Yesterday, 12-time Olympic medalist, Natalie Coughlin, joined Luvo Inc. on their Facebook Live to answer fan questions. Coughlin has been an ambassador for Luvo, a frozen food company offering high quality, chef-inspired healthy meals, since August 2015.

Coughlin’s 26 minute Q&A began with her naming three songs that describe her Olympic experiences and sharing her favorite Olympic memory. The bulk of the questions coming in were geared towards her diet. Coughlin is known for her impeccable diet and her love of food. When asked if she believed in “cheat days,” Natalie responded, “Um I don’t necessarily believe in cheat days because I feel like you’re doing something wrong if you’re cheating. If that works for you then that’s great.” She prefers to call them “guilty pleasures” and her go-to is a good hot dog or bratwurst with all the fixings.

Continuing on the theme of food related questions, Coughlin talked about her favorite post-swim snacks and her decision not to count calories. Her favorite post-swim snack is a smoothie. In her smoothies she puts almond milk, chia seeds for protein, black cherries for antioxidants, bananas and yogurt for probiotics. When asked how many calories she consumes, Natalie said that she chooses not  to count them because her tendency is to become obsessive about things. Rather than counting calories, she chooses to listen to her body and fuel it properly. She looks to be satisfied after each meal, but not “stuff herself silly.”

Finally, the question that we all want answered: what will be her next step? Coughlin spent a lot of time talking about her goal of creating a cookbook in the near future. She has had a long love affair with food and cooking so that seems like the next logical step. Natalie also revealed that she has looked into becoming a Registered Dietitian. As far as her next step for swimming, Natalie said, “I have a meet in Tahiti…I’m gonna go compete over there, the French are putting on this meet, it’s like a…sprint stars [meet]…” She said that she has only been training in the pool a couple times a week, but has been running and doing yoga.

We’ve been searching for more details on the Tahiti meet, and will share them when available. Nathan Adrian is also expected to participate.

What does that say about the future of her swimming career? Your guess is as good as mine. She has said that swimming will always be a part of her life and that she has no plans to retire. With such an amazing career thus far, I think it’s safe to assume that we will see more from her in the future.

Watch the full video of Coughlin’s Q&A below:


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8 years ago

she needs to move on from her swimming career based on RIO results and be happy she had such a great career!

Reply to  SAlexa
8 years ago

she needs to do what is best for her and makes her happy

Coach mary
8 years ago

She just turned 34

8 years ago

Isn’t she 35 yrs old? I know she is married, can’t believe she doesn’t want to start a family before it’s to late. She can stay in the sport and teach her children to swim.

Reply to  SUNY Cal
8 years ago

She can always adopt.

Reply to  SUNY Cal
8 years ago

why does she have to have a family? Just because you are married doesnt mean u want kids

Ice age swimmer
Reply to  SUNY Cal
8 years ago

She gets so mad when people say that! I’ve read that in many interviews.

Denise Letendre
Reply to  SUNY Cal
8 years ago

You can also still have children into your late 30s and 40s.

Reply to  SUNY Cal
8 years ago

Of course you would get political, as those on the left want to politicize everything, including whether or not Natalie Coughlin should reproduce. But since you went there, she should absolutely reproduce. Better for the future of our country if the Natalie Coughlin types are reproducing vs. importing our future from the third world. See: Idocracy movie, dysgenics in general.

The average IQ of a Syrian refugee is about 83, vs an average of 100 here in the US. Coughlin probably 120 or so.

Yes, I want her to reproduce vs. importing the future.