Dutch National Coach Mark Faber Cleared Of Wrongdoing

by Retta Race 1

April 05th, 2024 Europe, International, News

Nearly 5 months after an investigation was launched into the conduct of Mark Faber, the Dutch national coach stationed at the High-Performance Center in Amsterdam has been cleared of any wrongdoing.

As we reported in November of last year, allegations against Faber included abuse of power, bullying and intimidation. Specific instances include him telling a young swimmer they were “too fat” and responding to criticism by clapping back at his athletes and telling them: “Know their place.”

Per a statement on the Royal Dutch Swimming Federation (KNZB) website, the independent investigation found that Faber has ‘not demonstrably’ been guilty of inappropriate behavior.

Nevertheless, the KNZB has created an action plan that includes having an integrity manager regularly attend various training sessions so athletes can report a complaint immediately if necessary.

“We must be able to hold each other accountable for shared norms and values ​​and handle situations in a mature manner,” said general manager Aschwin Lankwarden in a press statement.

Local observers commented that the conflict seemed to boil down to violations of Dutch cultural norms that call for collaboration between all parties without regard to hierarchies, especially as it came things like roster selections for major meets or how Faber divided his time among athletes.

Faber commented, “In general terms, I would like to indicate that I regret that a number of athletes have experienced feelings of dissatisfaction.

“In my position as KNZB head coach, I have always had the intention to let the sporting boundaries go hand in hand with enjoyment of the sport. This is a permanent search for the right balance, which you must find together. Together with management and colleagues, I will do everything I can to optimize the performance climate.” (KNZB)

Faber is the coach of two-time Olympic silver medalist Arno Kamminga and 2024 World Championships gold medalist Tes Schouten.

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11 months ago

He also coaches Casper Corbeau.

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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