Dave Durden found the great coach he was looking for

by Garrett McCaffrey 9

October 04th, 2012 College, News

Garrett McCaffrey catches up with 2x defending NCAA and Pac-12 Coach of the Year, Dave Durden. Dave recently hired Yuri Suguiyama to replace Greg Meehan who took the women’s head coaching position at Stanford in late August. Suguiyama comes from Nation’s Capital Swim Team, where he spent 6 years and has coached swimmers who’ve set 19 Potomac Valley records, including 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist and American Record Holder in the 800 Freestyle, Katie Ledecky. In this interview Dave talks about what he was looking for, what he found in Yuri, and his opinion on assistant coaches leaving for other jobs. Check out some of the interviews from Yuri and Katie:

Garrett interviews Yuri Suguiyama, pt. 1.
Garrett interviews Yuri Suguiyama, pt. 2.
Garrett interviews Katie Ledecky.

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12 years ago

Great interview, as always, Garrett. I really like Dave’s focus on “professional development” across the board: it’s great seeing a coach developing a reputation as not just a coach of great swimmers, but a coach of great coaches.

Cathy Durden
12 years ago

Thanks to this interview, I now know what to get Dave for Christmas… a lamp for his office. 🙂

Reply to  Cathy Durden
12 years ago


12 years ago

This probably isn’t exactly the right place, but on the subject of Cal what ever happened to the Harrison Jones transfer story that came up during the US diving trials? Did it just not work out?

Reply to  Reid
12 years ago

Reid – that’s my understanding. They just couldn’t get things put together.

12 years ago

I enjoy seeing the dry erase boards with 2013/2014 in the background.

Reply to  Eve
12 years ago

The one that said 2011 was the one that really stuck out to me.

Justin Pollard
12 years ago

“It’s an exciting time for Cal.” Right, indeed, Garrett! I used to say that every day during taper-time in 2008, Dave’s first year as head coach 🙂

12 years ago

you always do the best interviews–informative, knowledgeable, and comprehensive! thanks garrett!

About Garrett McCaffrey

No one lives the sport of swimming like Garrett McCaffrey. A Division I swimmer who spent 4 years covering the sport as a journalist, now coaches club swimming and competes as a masters swimmer, Garrett truly lives the sport of swimming. After graduating from University of Missouri’s award winning journalism program …

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