Coronavirus Crisis Counseling for Swimmers on Champion’s Mojo Podcast

In a special edition podcast, Champion’s Mojo addresses some of the disappointment, loss and frustration among the swimming community, due to the Coronavirus and the cancellation of the spring championship season. Hosts Kelly Palace and Maria Parker offer some crisis counseling approaches. 

They’ll also discuss a creative way to end your season on your terms and the historic loss to a couple of NCAA Women’s teams near and dear to them (Kelly is an NC State Alum and Maria is a UVA alum). You’ll also hear some tips on dealing with the fear factors surrounding this global pandemic and in general some good mental health practices in this unprecedented time. Below is a key points summary, you can listen to the full 19 minute episode at 

  1. The importance of processing your emotions.    

What you’ll hear: It’s OK to feel a ton of negative emotions over the cancellation of championship season.  Reach out to others for help. 

Why it matters: If you can talk about it you can help dissipate some of the sadness and frustration. Sharing your pain could help others cope too. We’re all in this together.

  • A creative way to end your season on your terms.

What you’ll hear: Science shows that your mind can’t distinguish the difference between something vividly and repetitively imagined and something that actually happened. Why not see the perfect end to your season in your mind’s eye?

Why it matters: If you practice this proven visualization technique and see the perfect finish to your season, on your terms, it will give you a powerful deposit into your memory bank for the future. 

  • Good mental health practices in this uncertain, fearful and anxious time.

What you’ll hear: There is an enormous amount of uncertainty, fear and anxiety being streamed at us on a daily basis. Hear 5 practices for keeping calm. There is help online too.

Why it matters: Our human tendency is toward a negative bias and if you can realize that and use some tried and true methods to stay positive, you’ll feel much better.

Episode #55  Topics and Mentions for Coronavirus Crisis Counseling



Master’s degree in counseling

Women’s NCAA swimming championships

USA Swimming






University of Virginia

North Carolina State

Masters Swimming

Mental Training/Mindset


Ending the Season on your terms

Mental health



Ethan Zohn

Mental health tips for coronavirus fears

  • Unplug from the news and social media; we are drawn to negativity but fight back.
  • Reach out by phone to the people who love you and share your fears.
  • Keep exercising and keep moving – get out there and do something, even if your normal routine is upset.
  • Stay mindful and be aware of what you are focusing on; don’t focus on the negativity or what you’ve lost, but focus instead on the positive or something neutral. Use gratitude.
  • If you meditate or pray, this is the time to do it. If not, why not try it in your free time? Remember you can control your mind.
  • Seek out online counseling if you need a professional counselor. 

You’ll find inspiration and motivation in the Champion’s Mojo Podcast, a weekly podcast for the swimming community, offering in-depth interviews with the most elite Swimmers and Coaches in the sport and interviews with other experts and Champion’s to help you reach peak performances in sports and life. 

Subscribe to the Champions’ Mojo Podcast today and don’t miss an episode. Hosted by Kelly Palace and Maria Parker, you can learn more about the Hosts here.

Swimming podcast feature is courtesy of Champion’s Mojo, a SwimSwam partner. 

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Derek J Albertson
5 years ago

This is helpful. It is very difficult to explain to a non-athlete the sense of loss when missing a key meet (or even workout). Great post.