Competitor LifeSpan+ vs. The Knock-Off Brand
Brad Underwood: “It is relatively easy to produce and manufacture a simple plastic disc. On the other hand, it is very difficult to manufacture a disc with the same qualities of LifeSpan+.”
Swim Job: Fitter and Faster and Arluck Promotions seeks Marketing and Communications Manager
The newly created position of Marketing and Communications Manager is now available at sister companies Fitter and Faster Swim Tour and Arluck Promotions. A nationwide search for a very creative, outgoing, experienced professional to fill this role begins immediately.
Floating Pools on London’s River Thames – Kickstarter
Courtesy of Swimmers and Swammers Chris, James and Matt at Thames Baths via Kickstarter.
Michael Phelps Video Feature: The Making of the MP Brand
Goes behind the scenes and see the development of the MP brand designed by Aqua Sphere.
A Day in the Life of a Swimmer
You swim because you crave that feeling of accomplishment that comes after a hard race when you finally reach your goals. You swim because you love the sport.
Drill Video for – What All Great Breaststrokers Do (that the rest don’t)
In this video, Johns Hopkins freshman swimmer Gwynnie LaMastra demonstrates the “breaststroke connectedness” drill described in the article “What All Great Breaststrokers Do (that the rest don’t).”
ASU Sun Devils react to hiring of NBAC Coach Bob Bowman
Arizona State senior swimmer Zac Dalby is one of many people around the ASU campus excited about the school’s recent hire.
Shout From the Stands: A Letter to my Child’s Swim Coach
“Please strive everyday to be the coach you wish you would have had or the coach you hope for your child. No matter how long you have been coaching, no matter how much you may know, it can always help to consciously remember THIS IS SOMEONE’S CHILD.”
What All Great Breaststrokers Do (that the rest don’t)
The world of breaststroke has always been quirky, idiosyncratic, individualized, and just plain weird. These days, the variegation of breaststroke styles has gone wild. Here are the differing styles of elites…
Chlorinated: The world inside each swim team
I have realized that there is a world inside each team that takes over the lives of each swimmer.
Live Webinar: Swimming for Mental Health
Join Olympic gold and bronze medalist Wendy Boglioli, a healthy aging advocate, and FINIS Founder and CEO John Mix tomorrow during their live webinar.
How many yards did you swim last season?
How many drill sets did you do? What percent of your training was IM? Most competitive swimmers couldn’t tell you basic statistics about their training, but that’s not because they don’t care. Takes Customization Beyond Swimming Caps
“Now you can put your logo on everything swimming.” — Founder and CEO Alan Hofmeister launches new website with more options…
Josh Davis National Record Celey Time Lapse Video
Davis captured two national records at USMS Springs Nationals. Mike Lewis, SwimSwam Photographer, put together a great “celey” time lapse video. See it here.
11 Reasons To Love Swimming Outside
Now that spring is in the air… it’s time to pull off those pool covers, find that sunblock, and polish up that old pair of mirrored Swedish goggles. Here is a list from our staff on why we love to swim outside.