The Top 10 Water Safety Rules in honor International Water Safety Day
Swimming video is courtesy of Eve and Candace, the world’s foremost unknown swim vloggers (now kind of famous for swim vlogging).
Mecklenburg County Aquatic Center Hosts Arena Pro Swim Series in Charlotte
The Arena Pro Swim Series will be held at the Mecklenburg County Aquatic Center (MCAC) in Charlotte this weekend. MCAC has been known as one of those special places where fast swimming happens without a lot of glitz and glamour.
11 Olympic Stars Headline Charity Concert to benefit Swim to Win Foundation
The benefit concert kicks off the Swim to Win Clinic featuring internationally acclaimed Olympians including: Janet Evans, Rowdy Gaines, Jason Lezak, Aaron Peirsol, Chloe Sutton, Amanda Beard, Ariana Kukors (featured video) & many more.
Colorado Time Systems Named Exclusive “Official Timing And Display System” Of The American Swimming Coaches Association
Colorado Time Systems (CTS), a PlayCore company, announces today their exclusive multi-year sponsorship agreement with the American Swimming Coaches Association…
Stanford Women’s Water Polo tops UCLA to Defend NCAA Championship Title
Stanford felt right at home, allowing the national championship to stay on The Farm.
Rebecca Soni and Kim Vandenberg launch campaign to build a family a home
Olympians Kim Vandenberg and Rebecca Soni have launched a campaign to support their efforts to build a home for a family in need in Mexico via Hope Sports.
Lessons From Legends – Olympic Champion Mike Barrowman
“One of the great competitors in the last 25 years of swimming is Mike Barrowman, a 200 breaststroker.”
How to Balance Swimming and School
Being a swimmer, you most likely have learned how to manage your time wisely. However, that does mean that it is completely easy to balance school and swimming.
5 Things This Club Swimming Mom Will Miss
Why don’t you put the kids on the swim team? It was 13 years ago when a parent from my summer pool club said these words to me. Those 10 words altered the course of my family’s lives for the next 13 years – in a very good way.
8 Swim Moms Tips to Survive & Soar
Swim Mom Donna Hale: “We always hear about what it’s like to be the mom of a Michael Phelps or a Missy Franklin. Truth is most of us mommies travel through this process with ordinary kids with extraordinary passion.”
SwimLabs Encinitas #TeamJeff Fundraiser with Aaron Peirsol
This weekend SwimLabs, Encinitas, hosted a fundraiser for Rosebowl Aquatics head coach Jeff Julian with 5 time Olympic Gold Medalist…
How to Make Sense of the College Recruiting Process: Never Assume
(Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures)
Tyler Clary may retire after the 2016 Olympics to pursue motorsport
Olympian Tyler Clary may retire after the 2016 Olympics to pursue motorsport. Why not? He’s showing a talent for it according to NASCAR Star Jimmie Johnson.
College Recruits Beware, Coaches Review Social Media Accounts
“Coaches and schools are investing a lot of money in a recruit’s education. You can bet that they are going to get to know everything they can about the person they want to recruit.”
Olympians and Cancer Survivors Team Up to Fight Cancer at Swim Across America – Dallas
Olympians and U.S. National Team members participating are Jim Montgomery, Jill Sterkel, Daniel Watters, Andrea Dickson, Jeanne Cunningham, Neil Walker, Brad Bridgewater, Ryan Berube, Walter Soza, and more.