An Open Letter To Our Team Captains
Dear Captains, thank you for a season of guidance, leadership, and endless support.
9 Satisfying Things in Swimming
Freshly shaved legs in bed sheets
Shaving is a different experience for in-season swimmers than regular people. For them, it’s a daily occurrence, or at least something they can do when they please. For us, it’s a privilege we haven’t had in 3-5 months. An award, you might say, for making it through the season.
25 Swimmers On What They Think Is the Hardest Event
You heard from the coaches, so now it’s time to hear from the swimmers. They’re the ones who have to suffer through it, right?
25 Coaches Share What They Think Is The Hardest Event
We all know swimming is one of the hardest sports out there, if not the hardest. But it is often debated what the hardest event in our sport is.
Read This if a Plateau is Making You Want to Quit
If a plateau is causing you to doubt your love for the sport of swimming, wait a minute. Think about all the time and energy you’ve dedicated to your sport. Think about all the strength you’ve built over the years, the resiliency you’ve shown, and how far you’ve come from when you started.
8 Things to Remind Yourself When You Hit Your Midseason Slump
We all get to that point in the season- it’s been going on for months already, the holidays have come and gone, and staring at a black line is starting to get old. The initial excitement for the season has worn off and you feel like you just need a break already. Here’s 8 things to tell yourself when you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts during practice:
Six Swimmer Moments You Have Outside of the Pool
Ever needed to roughly measure about 50 meters? That looks about the length of a long course pool.
An Open Letter to my College Team
You make every grueling set, late night study session, and lost hour of sleep worth it.
A Pool Swimmer vs. The Waves
A few days ago, when I took on my first open water race, it was not the most comfortable experience.
Swimming vs. the Media
It’s so sad to me how more people knew about Phelps’ pot scandal than the birth of his newborn son.
Q&A with Courtney Weaver on Retirement
“I think the main thing I would want to say is that just because anxiety has chosen you to attack, doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with you. And it doesn’t mean that you aren’t in control of your life.”
8 Swammers On How the Sport is Still with Them
4. “Somehow, every aspect of my professional and personal life can be connected back to swimming. I’m not the least bit upset by that either.” -Andrew Wilson, PA
The 8 Most Common Swimmer Stereotypes – DEBUNKED!
Like any other sport, swimmers are one of a kind. We fade into the background, pursuing a sport no one knows much about, leaving much about our lives to speculation. Here are 8 common assumptions people make about swimmers…