Aquatic Competitions In Greece Posponed Due To Bailout Referendum

Multiple aquatic competitions that were scheduled for this weekend in Greece will be postponed due to the upcoming Greek bailout referendum that will be taking place on July 5, 2015.

The referendum will decide whether or not the Greek government will accept the bailout conditions proposed by the Juncker Commission, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Central Bank.

The decision will be made in order to attempt a move forward in the collapsing of the Greek economy. As a product of the poor economic conditions and the referendum, Deputy Minister of Sports Stavrou Kontoni suspended sport in Greece for July 4, 5, and 6. This will effect four separate aquatic competitions.

  1. Women’s Synchronized Swimming Nationals (July 3-5)
  2. Girls Water Polo Nationals  (July 2-4)
  3. Men’s Water Polo Junior Nationals  (July 1-4)
  4. Women’s Water Polo Nationals (July 3-4)

One event that will be contested regardless of Kontoni’s decision will be the Mediterranean Swimming Cup in Alexandroupolis. The meet will run July 4-5 as previously planned.

Already the Hellenic Swimming Federation (the governing body for aquatic sport in Greece) has found new dates for the Men’s Water Polo Junior Nationals. The competition will now run from July 9-12.

The Hellenic Swimming Federation announced on their website Thursday that the new dates for the remaining competitions will be announced in the next few days.




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Clive Rushton
9 years ago

This all helps us swim faster of course, right?

cynthia curran
9 years ago

Well, a king is less strange since they were apart of the Roman Empire and Constantine built Constantinople in modern Turkey. In fact the Byzantine emperor was called the Greek word for king, Baselios and Greeks do refer to themselves as Romans from the Byzantine era.

Gina Rhinestone
Reply to  cynthia curran
9 years ago

Ok Cynthia I am going to pencil in a future Royalty for America , considering you had them once . There are plenty of useless royalettes in Europe you could give a job to . All the men look inbred but there are some very slim Spanish princesses .( now that America has moreSpanish speakers than Spain ) . I am being kind & not giving you those horse faced English ones .

9 years ago

To the most recent loans and their recent DEFAULT to the IMF. Laziness, greedy and cronyism at it worse. I have lived part of this and some of my relatives still experience this daily. I could go on and on but I won’t because this is about SWIMMING.

Gina Rhinestone
Reply to  Tm
9 years ago

I would not call Greeks lazy . Debt is an international industry that seeks to make bank deficits public debt. It is sobering to know the recent Group of 7 have combined govt debt of 35 Trillion $ .

Greece is but a minnow with great beaches .

9 years ago

Btw studying Ancient Greek is great to get an idea about the origins of democracy and western civilization but unfortunately it won’t teach you zilch about how modern Greeks have behaved since WWII. Everything since the Marshall plan (American money to rebuild Europe after WWII) to the most recent l

9 years ago

I was born in Greece and have been following the evens very closely. this has NOTHING to do with Northern Europe or Bavarians wanting a day at the beach rather massive incompetence of multiple Greek administrations to get their act together including crminal behavior by the current so called leaders in charge !

Gina Rhinestone
9 years ago

In 1832 Western Europe decided Greece should have a King . A ******* king for the birthplace of ‘democracy’ ! Then they put King OTTO of Bavaria in . After he was thrown out it passed through to the House of WiesindnichtGreek & then the House of Wieverstehennichtsgreek & etc . Then a brief Republic , then the House of Uberallesinderwelt . Currently there is a claimant to the Throne who is also a Prince of Denmark .

What the North Western Europeans won’t do for a day at a decent beach !

Reply to  Gina Rhinestone
9 years ago

As per all your other posts, I have no clue what your talking about or trying to convey.

Reply to  Rich
9 years ago

The U.S. only had to go back to 2000 to realise when they began to lose it . Federal debt from a optimistically manageable $ 4 trillion to now approaching 18.5 trillion . How & why the US got into this position is a a discussion for another time . Greece has been plundered & impoverished by German interests for so long it is barely responsible for its debt .

Most people , including myself , studied Ancient Greek but not modern Greek history . For anyone interested , it is an eye opener & not what we were taught at school in European history .
I used to drive by churches with the banner Forgive The Debt… Read more »

Reply to  GinaRhinestone
9 years ago

Good swimming post, as usual.

About Mitch Bowmile

Mitch Bowmile

Mitch worked for 5-years with SwimSwam news as a web producer focusing on both Canadian and international content. He coached for Toronto Swim Club for four seasons as a senior coach focusing on the development of young swimmers. Mitch is an NCCP level 2 certified coach in Canada and an ASCA Level …

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