Amy Van Dyken Sets Goal to Walk Out of Hospital – NBC Today Feature Video

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10 years ago

Who is paying for her physical therapy? WHere is she getting ’round the clock’ PT. I have lots of patients who would love and need intense PT, but don’t have the cash!

Reply to  Jeff
9 years ago

Insurance is paying… It’s a critical injury so the insurance i have is covering my care.

10 years ago

As a Physical Therapist, I hate when the media prints a headline like, “Swimmer with Severed Spine Struggles to Recover” and then reports her goal is to walk out of the hospital! I pray that this is just hyperbole and alliteration to draw viewer/reader attention and that Amy’s spine is not completely “severed” and she will be able to regain as much active movement in her lower extremities as possible!

However, whatever Amy’s actual medical status, DISability does not equal INability! With the determination and positive attitude gleaned from her career in swimming, as Liquidassets states above, Amy WILL go on to live a happy, fulfilling life!

I hope Amy will make it one of her goals, regardless of whether… Read more »

10 years ago

I was very interested in her husband’s admission that he loses sleep over the “what ifs?” whereas Amy, believably, does not. Either she had some great mental training along the way, trained herself, or was naturally so inclined. But the overall picture is a great example of how swimming sets you up for challenges ahead in life much harder than that hardest killer workout you always dread. We can’t all be elite athletes, but if we use her example, maybe we can all be something even better– elite people.

Like everyone else, I’m amazed with Amy’s attitude. Her goal speaks volumes, not about the ultimate outcome of her injury, which is still uncertain, but more importantly about her process… Read more »