2025 Men’s Ivy Championships: Day 4 Up/Mid/Downs – Could It Be the Year of the Tiger?

2025 Ivy League Men’s Swimming & Diving Championships


For those unfamiliar with swimming terminology, the concept of “Ups” and “Downs” is a good way to track which teams performed best at prelims. In prelims, swimmers qualify for one of three finals heats: the top 8 finishers make the A final, places 9 through 16 the B final and places 17 through 24 the C final. In finals, swimmers are locked into their respective final, meaning a swimmer in the B heat (spots 9-16) can only place as high as 9th or as low as 16th, even if they put up the fastest or slowest time of any heat in the final.

With that in mind, we’ll be tracking “Ups,” “Mids” and “Downs” after each prelims session. “Up” refers to swimmers and divers in the A final, “Mid” to B finalists, and “Down” to C finalists.

Team Standings Through Day 3

  1. Princeton University – 847.5
  2. Harvard University – 846.5
  3. Yale University – 836.5
  4. Brown University – 643
  5. Cornell University – 616.5
  6. Columbia University – 544.5
  7. University of Pennsylvania – 463.5
  8. Dartmouth College – 389

Honest talk here. With only 11 points separating the top three teams, in the closest, fastest, and most exciting Ivy League Men’s Swimming and Diving Championships in recent memory, Saturday morning prelims session was stressful.

Just as I used to tell my children I’d rather see a minus than a plus on the report card, each of the coaches was gunning for lane 8 over lane 4 in the next-lower final. And their swimmers did what was asked of them.

There is still a lot of wiggle room, but barring unforeseen disasters, this could be Princeton’s year. The Tigers earned a total of 10 “A” final, 5 “B” final, and 1 “C” final spots, and in many cases, they have the potential to squeeze out an extra point here and there. No matter what, it is going to be close, and it might come down to the relay. Safe starts, lads.

With 9 “A” finalists, 7 “B” finalists, and 2 “C” finalists, Harvard, too, has the potential to outscore everyone tonight. I have seeded them to win the 400 free relay, given that the Crimson landed three sprinters in the top 8 of the 100 free final.

Yale had a good morning but they missed a couple of spots in the 200 back and 100 fly. Still, this was an absolutely lights-out year for the Bulldogs, whose freshman class put the rest of the League on notice for the next three years.

Brown and Cornell have been back and forth in the race for fourth place. This is another battle that could play out until the end and rely on a relay to settle the score.

Day 4 Up/Mid/Downs

Team All 200 Back 100 Free 200 Breast 200 Fly 3M Diving
Princeton 10/5/1 2/0/0 1/2/0 1/1/1 3/2/0 3/0/0
Harvard 9/7/2 2/2/0 3/1/1 0/1/0 3/1/1 1/2/0
Yale 3/9/4 0/2/2 2/1/2 1/2/0 0/1/0 0/3/0
Brown 3/4/9 0/3/2 1/0/1 1/1/2 0/0/2 1/0/2
Cornell 4/6/6 3/0/0 0/2/2 0/3/1 1/1/1 0/0/2
Columbia 4/5/4 0/1/0 1/1/0 2/0/2 0/2/1 1/1/1
Penn 5/1/5 1/0/1 0/0/1 3/0/0 1/0/2 0/1/1
Dartmouth 2/3/8 0/0/3 0/1/1 0/0/2 0/1/1 2/1/1

Scoring Day 4 Prelims (plus 1650 Free and 400 Free Relay as seeded)

Team All 1650 Free 200 Back 100 Free 200 Breast 200 Fly 3M Diving 400 Free Relay
Princeton 463.5 69 51 61.5 44 107 77 54
Harvard 437 26 79 92 15 98 63 64
Yale 378 84 43 80 57 12 46 56
Brown 300 69 52 26 54 10 39 50
Cornell 298.5 19 78 38.5 49 50 12 52
Columbia 282 46 16 44 54 33 41 48
Penn 255 42 27 4 83 36 19 44
Dartmouth 171 7 16 16 6 16 64 46

Projected Day 4 Scores

Team Day 3 Actual Day 4 Scored Prelims Day 4 Projected Rank
Princeton 847.5 463.5 1311
Harvard 846.5 437 1283.5
Yale 836.5 378 1214.5
Brown 643 300 943
Cornell 616.5 298.5 915
Columbia 544.5 282 826.5
Penn 463.5 255 718.5
Dartmouth 389 171 560


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Ivy Swammer
21 hours ago

Dartmouth is having an incredible meet, regardless of place. This is such an improvement, especially coming off of an entire program cut 3.5 years ago. I am so proud of the progress Head Coach Milana and Team have made in this time frame. There is only growth ahead for this team.

trip strauss
1 day ago

yyyaaallle. go bulldogs!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 day ago


Reply to  FastSwimming
1 day ago

Let’s make it a men and women title year!!

Reply to  FastSwimming
22 hours ago

Certainly looks good for them but you never know.

About Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant is the mother of four daughters, all of whom swam in college. With an undergraduate degree from Princeton (where she was an all-Ivy tennis player) and an MBA from INSEAD, she worked for many years in the financial industry, both in France and the U.S. Anne is currently …

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