Winning Life’s Gold Medal: Ten Valuable Life lessons from the Olympic Games

In the SwimSwam Podcast dive deeper into the sport you love with insider conversations about swimming. Hosted by Coleman Hodges and Gold Medal Mel Stewart, SwimSwam welcomes both the biggest names in swimming that you already know, and rising stars that you need to get to know, as we break down the past, present, and future of aquatic sports.

Gary Hall Sr. is swimming royalty, a 3-time Olympian, U.S. Olympic Team Captain, Olympic Flag Bearer, father of a 10-time Olympic medalist (Gary Hall Jr.), World Record Holder, former President of the U.S. Olympians Association and the Head Coach / Chief Executive of the famous enterprise known globally as THE RACE CLUB (hyperlink:

Olympic icon Gary Hall Sr. makes me feel lazy—in the most positive way. He is a reminder of how to live your life daily with purpose. Case in point, during the pandemic Gary didn’t lose time. He made the most of the lockdown by penning his book – “Winning Life’s Gold Medal: Ten Valuable Life lessons from the Olympic Games” – available NOW as an eBook on AMAZON (hyperlink:

Gary’s book is a must-have. It is a focused narrative and quick read. Each lesson is delivered with wisdom that only comes from experience and threadbare vulnerability.  His book is memoir-esque, detailing intimate, behind-the-scenes stories.  Most of Gary’s wisdom is from his life in and out of the pool.  The stories are his own personal experiences from three Olympic Games, and they cover some of his son’s, like the first time Gary Hall Jr.’s met Alexander Popov in the READY ROOM.

Music: Otis McDonald


Opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the interviewed guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of the hosts, SwimSwam Partners, LLC and/or SwimSwam advertising partners.

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4 years ago

What a touching and thought provoking interview! I was uplifted, encouraged and empowered and it brought back wonderful memories of Gary, his teammates (Indiana/1976 Olympic) and Doc Counsilman. He describes Doc perfectly. What people don’t always hear about is that Doc was a sweetheart of a man and more willing than any coach I ever met to share his knowledge and expertise with fellow coaches. I talked Doc and his wife, Marge, at a clinic one time and I was so moved by their kindness and generosity. Everyone was family to them. People need to never forget that. I am downloading and going to buy the book. Through the good times and bad and the victories and setbacks, Gary Hall… Read more »

Sam B
4 years ago

Gary is a legend, a genius and a great story teller. Can’t wait to read the book.

Coach Mike 1952
4 years ago

Love the interview Mel. Love how Gary dedicates the book to Doc, “profound influence” for so many. Doc was totally into fostering intelligent swimmers. I attended IU & lived in Bloomington early to later 1970’s. Used to be able to visit practices (also Jelly Bean Day??!!) & work out at Royer Pool & all that was going on back then. Loved the city. (BTW, the people in town were called townies, not “cutters” which was invented for the movie Breaking Away since they didn’t want to use “stoners” LOL). Gary was also the first sub 48 100 fly MR split at 47.7, before Spitz did it. Recall it clearly – and so much more that Gary did. Look forward to… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Coach Mike 1952
Gold Medal Mel Stewart
Reply to  Coach Mike 1952
4 years ago

…..first sub 48? That’s impressive!

Yannick, the best 200 freestyler of all time
4 years ago

Please Mel Stewart, can you bring Yannick Agnel to the podcast and talk with him about his legendary 1:43.1 in a jammer? And his thoughts on the supersuited world record in the 200 free and what does it take to break it?

Gold Medal Mel Stewart

….working on it….

Reply to  Gold Medal Mel Stewart
4 years ago

Yannick’s podcast with Brett Hawke is one of the best out there! Mel you’ve got competition!

Reply to  Monteswim
4 years ago

Rumor has it that when Brett has someone on his podcast, he begs and bullies them into not going on other podcasts.

By ‘rumor,’ I mean ‘I’ve seen the text messages.’

Last edited 4 years ago by turnstyleswimmer
4 years ago

Gary’s contributions to Spitz’s biography make the book far more compelling. I will definitely be buying this…

Ronald Cummins
4 years ago

I’ve said it before in this forum, but I need to say it again… When Mark Spitz was winning his seven gold medals, some of us still wanted to be Gary Hall.

Reply to  Ronald Cummins
4 years ago


Gold Medal Mel Stewart
Reply to  Ronald Cummins
4 years ago

wow…that’s high praise…..

4 years ago

I always enjoyed The Race Club forums and videos from 2006 though the Olympics.

I was probablyprobably one of the few people rooting for Mike Cavic in 08 just because of TRC

4 years ago

I’m looking forward to listening to this interview with the legendary Indiana Hoosier and great man, Gary Hall Sr. Doc, Gary and his Indiana teammates were rock stars when you saw them in person. He stood out during a magical time. I heard that Gary Sr’s work ethic was incredible and I admire his passion to help athletes and make the sport better after his swimming career ended. Mel, thank you. These interviews are spectacular and you’re truly awesome at it.

Swimuel L Jackswam
Reply to  Guerra
4 years ago

What was doc’s jellybean day?

Coach Mike 1952
Reply to  Swimuel L Jackswam
4 years ago

“Each year, Counsilman has what he calls ”Jelly Bean Day,” during which he sets a specific goal for each swimmer. ”He`d have world records broken during practice just for a handful of stupid jelly beans,” says Jerry Miller, who swam for Counsilman from 1966 through 1970.” Very enjoyable article.

Swimuel L Jackswam
Reply to  Coach Mike 1952
4 years ago

Thanks. I found that article among others. Just looking for specifics. Super curious!

About Gold Medal Mel Stewart

Gold Medal Mel Stewart

MEL STEWART Jr., aka Gold Medal Mel, won three Olympic medals at the 1992 Olympic Games. Mel's best event was the 200 butterfly. He is a former World, American, and NCAA Record holder in the 200 butterfly. As a writer/producer and sports columnist, Mel has contributed to Yahoo Sports, Universal Sports, …

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