Victorian (AUS) C’Ships Cancelled For Nov/Dec Due To COVID-19

Most of the state of Victoria, Australia will remain in lockdown until the end of October in an effort to control the coronavirus pandemic within the area.

In addition to employment, economic and educational ramifications, the sports sector is also being majorly impacted as a result of the restrictions.

Regarding swimming specifically, Swimming Victoria announced today that the following events have been cancelled for the months of November and December:

2021 Victorian Metro Short Course Championships
2021 Victorian Age Short Course Championships
2021 Victorian Open Short Course Championships
2021 Victorian Country Short Course Championships
Country & Metro Junior District Competition
Victorian Qualifying Competition

Swimming Victoria says that “a decision will be made on whether some low-key return-to-sport swim meets, and pathway/development squad activities can be safely held in December 2021” will be determined next month.

The organization officially stated, “Whilst we understand the cancellation of the short course season two years in a row is disappointing, we hope that this decision eases the uncertainty and pressure that our swimmers are no doubt experiencing and provides them with sufficient time to prepare themselves for state-level competition in 2022.”

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3 years ago

The way Aussie Gov is managing COVID is a joke.

Reply to  Mclovin
3 years ago

But then we haven’t had many deaths and most of our hospitals are not overwhelmed. So there is that.

Stop believing everything you read online
Reply to  Mclovin
3 years ago

Ok so as an Australian resident, the below is actually true:
1. Our federal government will always be criticised for the lockdowns and boarder closures etc. However, it is the state governments that actually decide those rules, not the federal government ie. Scott Morrison and his cabinet is federal.
2. The USA has more deaths per day than we have COVID cases – I don’t know about anyone else, but protecting lives seems more important than reopening for our economy at this point. You can get out of debt, and money etc and be worked on, but you can’t bring someone back to life.
3. The media has completely misled the international community about Australia’s lockdowns. I… Read more »


Murdoch newspapers are pretty biased too remember . But agree with the rest.

Last edited 3 years ago by Joel

You know it’s a joke when you say the media slammed the conservative governments. Rupert murdoch’s newscorp owns the vast majority of media and if anything they have been targeted all the Labor premiers (Victoria, Queensland, WA) and conveniently ignored mentioning that South Australian and Tasmania closed their borders too

3 years ago

If I lived in Australia I would literally kms at this point

Reply to  Dylan
3 years ago


Distance Per Stroke
3 years ago

It’s clear Australia has no plan to ever reopen as long as a single covid case exists in the world. Can the 2032 Olympic location be changed?

Reply to  Distance Per Stroke
3 years ago

That’s not true. The states and territories (excluding WA who are their own breed) are committed to re-opening state borders at a double dose 80% vac rate due to occur end of Oct for some states. International borders due to reopen tentatively in November. Whilst it won’t be an open slather but a cautious reopening our government is committed to this. What we don’t want is higher Covid numbers now due to not enough people being vaccinated, which we have seen in Vic and NSW among the unvaccinated.

Distance Per Stroke
Reply to  Kelsey
3 years ago

They push it back everytime, there’s absolutely 0 reason to believe they’ll keep their word as they have not at all, just like Melbourne has been in full lockdown for 2 months which was “2 weeks”. In the US, Biden is now saying we need at minimum a 97% vaccination rate(so never) before we can return to normal society, despite initially states saying numbers like 65-70%.

Reply to  Distance Per Stroke
3 years ago

Australia hasn’t been in lockdown (aka has been open) for the vast majority of the last 18 months. So, not sure what you’re rambling on about.

Distance Per Stroke
Reply to  swimapologist
3 years ago

You can be arrested in parts of Australia for being outside for more than an hour or going 5km away from your home, if that’s an open society I have judged countries like North Korea too harshly.

Corn Pop
Reply to  Distance Per Stroke
3 years ago

NK says its good thoseAustralians can only go 5km. They won’t be coming to bomb us .

Last edited 3 years ago by Corn Pop
R s
Reply to  Distance Per Stroke
3 years ago

That’s not correct. In Melbourne which is capital of Victoria this was true but not now. The rest of Victoria not in lockdown but does have restrictions. We are training like normal in outdoor pool but do have restrictions on indoor pools or on having competitions.

Eric the eel > Phelps
3 years ago


3 years ago

I’m looking forward to Aus/NZ likely having among the highest vaccination rate in the world. ACT currently sitting at 93.3% 1st dose and others are behind mostly due to access rather than hesistancy.

Awsi Dooger
Reply to  Jackman
3 years ago

Meanwhile the United States is well behind those numbers. I’ll be kind and use your term of hesitancy:

Irish Ringer
Reply to  Awsi Dooger
3 years ago

Isn’t New South Wales the state with all the corruption and the Premier resigned recently?

Irish Ringer
Reply to  Jackman
3 years ago

93.3%, but still on lockdown?

Reply to  Irish Ringer
3 years ago

First dose so they get some protection, but we’ll see once they get the second dose.
Certainly heavy handed approach and recently piloted a program that required those on quarantine to take a selfie to prove they were home along with location data from the photo.

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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