Are You Creating an Environment for Success in the Pool?
How successful we are in sport and in life is often as a result of the environment around us. Here are some tips for building an environment that promotes high performance swimming.
7 Fixable Reasons You Aren’t Achieving Success in the Water
Are you finding that getting to the level you want to be at with your swimming is a struggle? Here are 7 reasons why you are having difficulty achieving what you want in the water, and more importantly, what you can do about it.
7 Things Swimmers Should Start Doing
Without change it can be difficult to make progress. Here are 7 things swimmers can do to inflict some serious progress this season.
Why We Should All Be a Little More Like Public Swimmers
The local lap swimmer has a little something to teach the rest of us about learning to reach a little higher with our swimming.
Comment se rendre plus facile à entraîner
Voici 5 astuces pour être plus facile à entraîner.
5 Reasons to Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Swimmers
#3 – We tend to compare our weaknesses against the strengths of others.
5 Reasons That Swimmers Fail
All too often swimmers can’t get out of their own way while chasing success. Here are 5 reasons that swimmers fail when trying to achieve excellence in the pool.
5 Things Swimmers Do to Derail Their Workouts
This season make your workouts more consistent and 16.4 times as awesome by steering clear of these common hang-ups that often derails a swimmer’s workout.
3 Simple Tips for Having an Awesome Attitude at the Pool
When you have a good attitude at the pool training hard and fast becomes a whole lot easier. Here are 3 simple tips for an awesome attitude.
20 Habits of Elite Swimmers
Elite swimmers like Ryan Lochte recognize the value and results that comes with hard work. Here are 19 other habits of top-level swimmers.
Are You Swimming to Win or Swimming Not to Lose? (And Why The Difference Matters.)
The difference between swimmers who swim to win compared to those who swim to not lose might seem like a trivial difference. But here’s how much of an impact it can actually have.
21 Ways You Know You Are a Swimmer
Swimming isn’t a sport, it’s a way of life. Here are 21 familiar ways that you know you are a competitive swimmer and all about that swimmer life.
What I Learned on My Way to Swimming 35,000 Meters Last Week
Here are 5 simple lessons any swimmer can use to swim faster and smarter that I picked up on my journey back to the pool.
The 6 Struggles of Being a Butterflyer
You didn’t choose the butterfly life. It chose you.
7 Quotes to Inspire You to Greatness This Season
Greatness is upon you my chlorinated dudes and dudettes. Here are 7 quotes to help you get there.