Training Intel

Why Swimmers Should Breathe Bilaterally at Practice

Here is how bilateral breathing can help clean up muscle imbalances, stroke errors, and even give you a tactical advantage during races.


3 Steps to Better Championship Preparation

Championship season is the time of year when you put even more focus into swimming your fastest. As the physical demand of training lightens, how you manage the remaining hours in your day becomes more critical.

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Matt Brown Discusses the Preparation of World Champion Ning Zetao

Matt Brown shares some of the details of World Champion Ning Zetao’s preparation for the Rio Olympics…


Yoga for Swimmers (Video) – Injury Prevention Sequence

This short sequence is designed to help prevent the most common injuries that swimmers suffer from…

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BridgeAthletic Building Blocks: 5 Exercises to Add Breaststroke Power

The BridgeAthletic Building Block Series is a set of 5 exercises that can be performed by swimmers of all levels on the pool deck.


5 Epic Swim Sets You Should Try At Least Once

Here are 5 swim sets to push, challenge and improve your swimming from some of the top swimmers and coaches in the world.


Jimmy Feigen Hosts Olympic Training camp tour in San Antonio (Video)

With nearly 50 of the best athletes in the country, you can imagine that practices are no laughing matter.


Yoga for Swimmers (Video): A Sequence to Enhance Recovery

One of the greatest advantages to incorporating yoga into your training plan is how it will allow you to recover more effectively…

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Managing Your First Race at Trials – Powered by BridgeAthletic

Channel those nerves into physical energy, but more importantly, allow yourself to enjoy where you are, the competition you are privileged to be a part of, and the process you went through to get this far.

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Your First 24 Hours in Omaha – Powered by BridgeAthletic

You’ve arrived. Whether you made this trip 4 years ago or only recently even dared to dream that you could be here, you’ve made it to Omaha. Now what?

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Olympic Trials Travel Tips – Powered by BridgeAthletic

Whether it’s your first time at Trials or your third, the next week is going to be a whirlwind. But first, you have to get to Omaha.

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12 Ways for Swimmers to Build Unstoppable Confidence

by Olivier Poirier-Leroy. Join his weekly motivational newsletter for swimmers, coaches and parents by clicking here. We see the top…

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Yoga for Swimmers (Video) – Releasing Tension in the Hip Flexors

This short video sequence will take you through four poses that will help relieve stiffness in your hip flexors…

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5 Reasons Swimmers Should Jump Rope

Here is how incorporating skipping into your training can help you develop into a more powerful athlete in and out of the water.

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5 Things You Learn About Yourself By Tracking Your Swim Practices

Writing out your training has been shown to have a myriad of benefits in performance and consistency. But the benefits don’t stop there. Here are five of the things you learn about yourself when you start writing out your workouts in the water.

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