FINIS Set of the Week

FINIS Set of the Week: Resistance is Futile

This set is designed to work on your speed by adding resistance then taking it away for sprints.

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FINIS Set of the Week: IM Not Kidding You

This week’s set is IM focused. Add up to 3 rounds of the main set depending on the level of difficulty desired.

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FINIS Set of the Week: Seemingly 100s of 100s

The main set features 18 short-rest 100s, which will have you asking yourself, “Who hurt her?”

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FINIS Set of the Week: Under The Sea We Live Care Free

More underwaters! It’s everything you never wanted!

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FINIS Set of the Week: A Little Bit of This AND a Little Bit of That

This week’s set has a little bit of everything and is designed for an aerobic pace.

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FINIS Set of the Week: Let’s Have Some Fun, This Beat Is Sick

This week’s set uses a Tempo Trainer in a variety of different ways and is designed to help you become more efficient with your stroke.

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FINIS Set of the Week: Hypoxic Work With Underwaters

This week’s set puts a focus on hypoxic work, meaning you’ll be doing some underwaters and breath control.

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FINIS Set of the Week: Skills and Drills

This week’s set is focused on technique; specifically the early vertical forearm in the catch.

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FINIS Set of the Week: Shake It Out

This week’s set was designed for recovery. 2000 yards to shake it out and get that lactic acid out of your body.

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FINIS Set of the Week: I.M. Free For All

This week’s set was designed for those who are trying to add a little bit of IM into their workouts, but want to do it in moderation.

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FINIS Set of the Week: Kick It Up A Notch

This week’s set is a good old fashioned kick set with a little bit of breath control at the end.

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FINIS Set of the Week: Cross Swim

Mix up your workout by adding in some land exercises to your swim! I hope you like mountain climbers.

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FINIS Set of the Week: Reasons I Cried In College

This gruelling distance set is supposed to challenge you to change speeds, particularly from the 400 to the 500.

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FINIS Set of the Week: The Twilight Saga

Did we really need 5 rounds?

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FINIS Set of the Week: Henry VIII

20 x 100 as 75 sprint, 25 easy. Don’t lose your head.

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