Taper Set with Roland Schoeman

by Garrett McCaffrey 8

April 05th, 2012 Training

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12 years ago

This reminds me of my favorite aspect of Floswimming: Weekly Wednesday Workouts!!

12 years ago

Calswim65…no clue. I’m not going there… Ha!

Just glad Garrett’s back behind the camera, capturing great content!

12 years ago

wardrobe malfunctions aside, I love seeing Garrett’s workout videos again.

12 years ago

I’m an old-school swimmer and remember the ridiculous bikini-sized paper suits that I used to squeeze into – REALLY glad those suits didn’t have the same “malfunctioning” issues.

Mel – if these do in fact happen in 3s, will the next malfunction be male or female? Is this a conspiracy by the suit manufacturers to drum up interest in their gear? Or is this an attempt by USA Swimming to generate more interest in the sport? Inquiring minds want to know…

12 years ago

It still seems odd to see “Roland Schoeman” in the same sentence as “back end speed”…if he can close anywhere near that fast with his typical first 50 he’s gold.

12 years ago

So good to see @Rolandschoeman still swimming fast. I learned a lot by watching his stroke and he has one of the best if not the best starts in the world. Good luck at Trials and in London!!

12 years ago

Ha…. No, but we are big kids who undstand the reality of being an elite swimmer. Sometimes that means that suits rip…. You know, Petero, things always happen in 3s. Who’s next….?

12 years ago

Is this becoming a male sex-ploitation website after the Nathan Adrian affair??!!

About Garrett McCaffrey

No one lives the sport of swimming like Garrett McCaffrey. A Division I swimmer who spent 4 years covering the sport as a journalist, now coaches club swimming and competes as a masters swimmer, Garrett truly lives the sport of swimming. After graduating from University of Missouri’s award winning journalism program …

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