Vladimir Salnikov

Russia Confirms that Suspended Rylov Will Be Allowed at Russian Championships

In spite of a 9-month suspension by the international governing body FINA, the All-Russian Swimming Federation will allow him to compete at next week’s national championships.


NCAA Champ Andrei Minakov to Skip Next Week’s Russian Championships

Andrei Minakov, who won the 100 fly at last month’s NCAA Championships for Stanford, has opted out of next week’s Russian Nationals


What’s Next for Belarusian Swimming

Ella Seltiskaya, Chairwoman of the Belarusian Swimming Federation, shared the organization’s plan for the summer now that they’re banned World Championships.


I Russi Focalizzati Sui Campionati Nazionali-Rylov “Nessuno Può Sospendermi”

Le reazioni dei russi alle sosensioni dalle competizioni. Focus sui Campionati di Aprile, creazione di una nuova manifestazione a Luglio

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Russians React To Losing Worlds; Door Open To Compete In Other FINA Events

Russia’s top swimmers are now switching their focus to the Russian Swimming Championships in April after losing World Championship eligibility.


Il Presidente Federazione Russa Sulla Decisione FINA “Scelta Equilibrata”

Il presidente federazione russa Vladimir Salnikov ha detto che la decisione di FINA è ragionevole, poiché permette agli atleti di gareggiare

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Russian Swimming President Responds to FINA Neutrality Decision

Vladimir Salnikov responded to FINA’s decision to only allow Russian athletes to compete as neutral by saying “This decision is balanced”.


Confermato Il Rinvio Dei Mondiali Di Nuoto FINA Al 2023

Il rinvio dei mondiali di nuoto al 2023 è stato confermato secondo il presidente della Federazione russa e membro FINA Vladimir Salnikov.

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Report Confirms Fukuoka Worlds Moved To 2023; Hosts and FINA Face a Stalemate

Though an official announcement still hasn’t come, FINA Bureau member Vladimir Salnikov has confirmed the postponement of the World Championships to 2023.


Russian Swim Coach Alexander Ilyin Detained For Refusing To Wear Mask

Ilyin was detained at the Pulkovo airport in Saint Petersburg in late November for refusing to wear a mask.


Anton Chupkov Ripensa Al Ritiro Sarà In Gara Alla Wolrd Cup A Doha

Dopo aver annunciato il suo imminente ritiro alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo, Anton Chupkov ora nuoterà nelle FINA World Cup Series di Doha,

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Anton Chupkov, Previously Set to Retire, Will Compete at Doha World Cup Stop

Anton Chupkov, who had previously announced his retirement at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, will now compete at the Doha World Cup stop.


Beyond The Lane Lines: Salnikov Re-Elected To All Russian Federation

Learn something new in this week’s edition of Beyond the Lane Lines, featuring election results from the All Russian Swimming Federation.

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Campionati Europei In Vasca Corta Dal 2 Al 7 Novembre 2021

I Campionati Europei in vasca corta si terranno dal 2 al 7 novembre 2021 a Kazan.LEN ha organizzato l’evento un mese prima di quanto stabilito.

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L’Impatto Della Pandemia Sul Nuoto. L’Opinione Di Vladimir Salnikov

L’impatto della pandemia sul nuoto dal punto di vista finanziario e delle performance del presidente della WWF ed ex olimpionico Vladimir Salnikov

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