Vincent Passek

Ole Braunschweig Record Nazionale Tedesco Nei 50 Metri Dorso

il venticinquenne Braunschweig ha stabilito il suo nuovo PB e record nazionale tedesco di 24.57 per aggiudicarsi l’oro nei 50m dorso.

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Braunschweig Posts 50 Back German Record, Miroslaw Hits 1:45.83 200 Free In Berlin

22-year-old Rafael Mirsolaw cranked out a mark of 1:45.83 for gold on day one of the 2023 Berlin Swim Open, ranking 9th in the world on the season.


EYOF: Gold für Ackermann, Medaillen für Hollank, Benkler, Schubert, Passek, Ludwig

EUROPEAN YOUTH OLYMPIC FESTIVAL (EYOF) 2022 24. bis 30. Juli 2022 Banska Bystrica (Slowakei) Veranstaltungsseite Ergebnisse Live Stream Über 3.500…

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2022 European Youth Olympic Festival Day 2 Results

Several nations got on the board through day two of the 2022 European Youth Olympic Festival, filling out the early medal standings in Slovakia.

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