Join Lucky’s Lake Frogmen for Night Ops 5K Swim
In its’ third year, the Lucky’s Lake Frogman Swim is a now a WOWSA sanctioned event being conducted as a virtual swim associated with the Tampa Bay Frogman Swim as a fundraiser for the Navy Seal Foundation.
The Virtual Frogman Challenge
This is a Navy SEAL Foundation Event hosted by The Tampa Bay Frogman Swim.
Virtual Frogman Challenge, A Navy SEAL Foundation Event hosted by The Tampa Bay Frogman Swim
The Tampa Bay Frogman Swim traces its roots to raising funds and awareness for a SEAL officer severely injured in September 2009 while serving in Afghanistan.
Take the Virtual Frogman Challenge and Support the Navy SEAL Foundation
In response to our registration filling in less than five hours for the 2014 event, and many disappointed potential swimmer/fundraisers, we have created the “Virtual Frogman Challenge”.
The Virtual Frogman Challenge, A Navy SEAL Foundation Event
“In response to our registration filling in less than 5 hours for the 2014 event, we have created the Virtual Frogman Challenge. For $25, on an honor system, swimmers can raise funds and receive a t-shirt, knowing their efforts are directly contributing to our overall mission.”