Tamas Kenderesi

Hungarian Swimmer Tamas Kenderesi Has His Anti-Doping Appeal Decision Delayed, Again, by CAS

Tamas Kenderesi, the 2016 Olympic bronze medalist in the 200 fly, is still waiting for a decision on his appeal four months after his hearing.

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Making the US Olympic Team vs. Making the Podium at the Olympics, a Statistical Review

Hali Flickinger occupies a pretty unique space in American swimming history, threading a needle that nobody else has done in at least 40 years.


L’Allenatore Di Kristof Milak Fornisce Alcuni Dettagli Sulla Sua Preparazione

Balazs Virth, allenatore di Kristof Milak, ha fornito alcuni dettagli sulla preparazione del suo atleta, offrendo uno scenario non promettente

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Kristof Milak’s Coach Offers Training Update After WR Holder’s First 200 Fly Loss Since 2020

“Kristóf is strong and fast, but his endurance is far from what it used to be,” Milak’s coach, Balazs Virth, said after his 200 fly loss on Thursday.


Tamas Kenderesi Si Appella Al CAS Contro La Sospensione Per Doping

Tamas Kenderesi ha presentato ricorso al CAS contro la sospensione per violazione delle norme antidoping in merito al passaporto biologico

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Olympic Medalist Tamas Kenderesi’s Legal Team Appeals To CAS For Bio Passport Violation

Read up on the latest involving a biological passport doping violation involving Olympic medalist Tamas Kenderesi of Hungary.

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Kristof Milak Drops Freestyle Events At Worlds As Hungary Finalizes Fukuoka Roster

Milak will no longer be racing the 100 and 200 free at the World Championships, two events he was a premier medal contender in.


Tamás Kenderesi enfrenta acusaciones de infracción de dopaje

El húngaro, medallista olímpico en los 200 mariposa en Río 2016 podría ser sancionado tras el análisis de los datos de su pasaporte biológico.

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23 Atleti Convocati Per L’Ungheria Ai Mondiali Di Fukuoka

La Federazione ungherese di nuoto ha annunciato la rosa iniziale di 23 atleti selezionati per i Campionati Mondiali di quest’estate a Fukuoka

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Milak, Kos, Padar Head Up Hungary’s Initial 2023 World Championships Roster

The nation of Hungary has revealed its initial roster for this summer’s World Championships with additional names potentially added through June.


Tamas Kenderesi Coinvolto In Un Procedimento Per Presunta Violazione Di Norme Antidoping

L’ungherese Tamas Kenderesi, medaglia olimpica del 2016, è coinvolto in un procedimento per presunte violazioni antidoping

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Olympic Medalist Tamas Kenderesi Involved In Biological Passport Doping Allegation

2016 Olympic bronze medalist Tamas Kenderesi of Hungary is not racing this week and Nationals and now we know why he’s out of the competition.


Kristof Milak In Gara Ai Campionati Ungheresi In Vasca Corta

I Campionati ungheresi in vasca corta 2022 sono ormai alle porte e prenderanno il via da Kaposvár mercoledì 16 novembre. Gli iscritti

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Hungarian Richard Marton Makes Major Breakthrough at European Championships

After nearly calling it quits, Richard Marton won silver in the 200 fly at Euros, his first individual medal at a senior championship meet.


2022 European Championships: Milak Is The Man To Beat In 100/200 Butterfly

Hungary’s Kristof Milak sits heads and shoulders above the rest of the field in the men’s 100m and 200m butterfly events.