Svetlana Chimrova

Evgeny Rylov Hits Fastest 200 Back Since Tokyo (1:55.50) To Close Russian Championships

The reigning Olympic champion in the 200 back, Rylov moves into #2 in the world this season and is now the fastest swimmer in the 2023 calendar year.


Evgeniia Chikunova Record Del Mondo 200 Rana 2:17.55

L’astro nascente Evgeniia Chikunova ha cancellato il record del mondo nei 200 metri rana femminili a Kazan con un mostruoso 2:17.55


Ilya Borodin Moves To #3 In The World With 4:09.12 400 IM On Day 5 of Russian Champs

The 2021 European champion, Borodin produced the second-fastest swim of his career to win the men’s 400 IM by more than five seconds on Thursday.


Ilya Borodin 3° Al Mondo Nei 400 Misti-Risultati Day 5 Campionati Russi

I Campionati Nazionali russi 2023 in corso a Kazan hanno visto altre grandi prestazioni nel quinto giorno. risultati ed analisi completa

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Russia: Stepanov 1° Al Mondo E Record 800 Stile-Surkova Record 50 Farfalla

Aleksandr Stepanov fissa il nuovo record russo negli 800 stile libero, 1° al mondo e Alina Surkova nei 50 farfalla ai Campionati russi 2023


Kliment Kolesnikov Hits World-Leading 52.54 100 Back On Day 2 of Russian Championships

Kolesnikov took over #1 in the world in the 100 back, while Martin Malyutin has shined with two wins through the first two days in Kazan.


Kliment Kolesnikov 52.54 Nei 100 Dorso Ai Campionati Russi-Recap

Durante la prima sessione di finali dei Campionati russi, Kolesnikov ha nuotato il tempo più veloce al mondo nei 100 metri dorso

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Russia Plans National Championship Swim Meet on Overlap With 2023 World Championships

In 2022, Kliment Kolesnikov set a World Record in domestic competition. With no World Championships in sight, where will Russia compete in 2023?


Borodin, Shymanovich & Kameneva Post World-Leading Times On Day 5 of Russian Champs

In the 400 IM, European Record holder Ilya Borodin put up a time of 3:58.08, making him the first man sub-4:00 in the world this year.


Spartachiadi 2022: Le Migliori Prestazioni Dei Primi 4 Giorni

I migliori nuotatori russi sono tornati in acqua questa settimana alle Spartachidi, introdotte dopo il divieto imposto da FINA

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2022 Russian Spartakiad: Kirill Prigoda Hits 2:07.79 200 BR to Edge Anton Chupkov

The first three days of the Russain Spartakaid are in the books, with many Olympians like Kiril Prigoda (pictured) in attendance.


Solidarity Games: Surkova Personale Stagionale 100 Farfalla-Risultati Day3

I Giochi della solidarietà 2022 sono proseguiti a Kazan, con Mariia Kameneva e Anna Surkova  che hanno dato risalto agli eventi della serata.

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Arina Surkova Nails 100 Fly Season-Best At Russian Solidarity Games

The 2022 Russian Solidarity Games continued in Kazan, with Mariia Kameneva, Anna Surkova and Kirill Prigoda highlighting the night’s events.


Anteprime Mondiali: Il Podio Di Tokyo Ritorna Nei 200 Farfalla Femminili

Anteprime Mondiali: nei 200 farfalla femminili a Budapest ci saranno le prime quattro classificate alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo

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2022 World Champs Previews: Tokyo Podium Ready To Run It Back In Women’s 200 Fly

Zhang Yufei, Regan Smith, and Hali Flickinger are all returning to the pool this summer after landing on the 200 butterfly podium at Tokyo 2020.