Stefan Lurz

Olympic Diver Says German Swimming Association Ignored Sexual Abuse Complaints

Among those who allegedly ignored complaints is Lutz Buschkow, head coach of the national diving team for the past 20 years, who was temporarily suspended.

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La Federazione Tedesca Licenzia Il Direttore Sportivo-Sapeva Degli Abusi

La Federazione Tedesca di Nuoto (DSV)ha licenziato il Direttore Tecnico della nazionale Thomas Kurschilgen. Sarebbe a conoscenza degli abusi

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Germany’s National Sports Director Allegedly Knew About Sexual Abuse

The German Swimming Association (DSV) officially released National Sports Director Thomas Kurschilgen, with reports indicating he knew about sexual abuse.


Sportdirektor Kurschilgen vom DSV freigestellt

Wie der Spiegel heute Nacht berichtet, hat der DSV (Deutsche Schwimmverband e.V.) nach den Vorwürfen sexualisierter Gewalt gegen Ex-Freiwasser-Bundestrainer Stefan…

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Allenatore Nazionale Tedesca OW Accusato Di Molestie Sessuali/Bullismo

Allenatore della nazionale tedesca di acque libere Stefan Luz è stato accusato da alcune atlete di molestie sessuali e bullismo

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Bundestrainer Stefan Lurz nach schweren Vorwürfen vom Amt zurückgetreten.

Der DSV (Deutscher Schwimmverband e.V.) hat am 19.02.20021 auf seiner Homepage bekannt gegeben, dass der Freiwasser-Bundestrainer Stefan Lurz nach Anschuldigungen…

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German OW National Coach Lurz Resigns After Allegations of Sexual Assault

Stefan Lurz resigned from his position as the German national open water coach on Friday following allegations of sexual assault, harassment, and bullying.

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SV Würzburg sichert sich erneut Titel bei Deutschen Mannschaftsmeisterschaften

Der SV Würzburg 05 sicherte sich zum vierten Mal in Folge den Titel bei den Damen und sogar zum fünften…

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Stefan Lurz gets double coaching honors as German national and national junior coach of the year

Lurz was named both National Coach of the Year and Junior Coach of the Year, the first time a German coach has swept both awards in the same year.

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