Kaylee McKeown Record Australiano 100 Dorso In Lunga 58.11
Kaylee McKeown ha stabilito il nuovo record nazionale e continentale nei 100 metri dorso femminili con il tempo di 58.11 4 all time
Missy Franklin Explains Her Shoulder Problems: GMM presented by SwimOutlet.com
A Franklin report about her shoulder problems nearly broke SwimSwam with a deluge of traffic. Franklin shares the story behind the report and more.
Hannah Miley es operada del hombro en su rumbo hacia Tokio
“Ahora tengo la oportunidad de trabajar hasta ese punto e ir más allá, ahora que el desgarro muscular ha sido reparado”, afirmó Miley.
Hannah Miley Undergoes Shoulder Surgery En Route To Tokyo Bid
Racing stalwart Hannah Miley of GBR underwent shoulder surgery but has nothing but positive thoughts looking towards her Olympic journey.
Tras su retirada, la olímpica Missy Franklin ahora apenas puede nadar
“No creo que volver al agua en este momento de mi vida sea lo mejor para mi salud física o mental,” dijo Franklin en una entrevista con People Magazine.
Missy Franklin Torna A Nuotare Ma Dice No All’Agonismo
Missy Franklin, dopo il ritiro a soli 23 anni è ora tornata a nuotare, ma non tornerà a gareggiare “Non è la cosa migliore per me adesso”
In Retirement, Olympian Missy Franklin Can Now Barely Swim
Says champion Missy Franklin “I don’t really see getting back in the water at this point in my life being the best thing for my physical or my mental health.”
A Second Look At Rio Medalists Not Heading To Tokyo – Women’s Edition
Let’s take a more current look at the women’s Olympic medalists from Rio who will most likely not be racing next year in Tokyo.
Leah Hayes Jumps Katie Hoff, Missy Franklin in All-Time 13-14 200 IM Rankings
Swimming at the Fox Valley Park District Rip Tides intrasquad meet on Sunday, Leah Hayes moved into 4th-place in the all-time 13-14 rankings in the 200 yard IM.
Olympic Gold Medalist Rachel Bootsma Announces Pregnancy
Olympian and NCAA champion Rachel Bootsma and her husband Cole Reiser are expecting their first child, a baby boy, in March of 2021.
Quasi World Record. I Grandi Nomi Dietro Le Seconde Prestazioni All Time
World Record o quasi. Nella lista dei secondi performer di tutti i tempi ci sono non solo ex nuotatori ormai ritirati, ma anche vere e proprie icone
Leah Hayes Clocks Personal Best 1:57.88 in 200 IM, Moves to #6 in 13-14 History
Meanwhile, Hayes also added new lifetime bests in the 100 free (49.83) and 100 back (55.90) in yesterday’s time trial session.
SwimSwam Podcast: Missy Franklin, Hayes Johnson Talk Swim Joy in Summer League
We sat down with swimming power couple Olympic Legend Missy Franklin and Hayes Johnson to talk about one simple thing. Swimming joy.
Emerging Rio Shirai Time Trials 1:00.44 100 Back As Baseline For OLY Quest
Rio Shirai of Japan has steadily been improving in the 100m back, giving her nation a spark of hope in a discipline devoid of an Olympic finalist since 2012.
Looking Back at Day 7 of the 2012 and 2016 U.S. Olympic Trials
Let’s go back and remember what was going on during the 7th day of the Olympic Trials back in 2012 and 2016.