Merve Tuncel

Da Domani Il Nuoto D’élite Al Meeting Camille Muffat Di Nizza

Domani inizierà la seconda delle tre competizioni di nuoto d’élite: il Meeting di Nizza Camille Muffat, con molti dei presenti a Marsiglia

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Sarah Sjostrom Torna A Gareggiare Al Mediterranean Open

La svedese Sarah Sjostrom tornerà a gareggiare questo fine settimana all’11° Mediterranean Open di Marsiglia. Tutti gli iscritti

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World Aquatics Changes Age-Eligibility for World Juniors, Athletes Ages 14-18 Eligible

Under the new policy announced by World Aquatics, swimmers ages 14-18 during the calendar year of the Championships are now eligible, regardless of gender.


SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2023: Women’s #75-51

Rising Bosnian and Herzegovinian star Lana Pudar will be one to watch this year as she continues to move up the ranks in the women’s fly events.


Atleta Femminile Juniores Dell’Anno 2022: Summer McIntosh

Il 2022 di McIntosh comprende due titoli mondiali, due titoli del Commonwealth e il piazzamento tra i primi sei al mondo in sei eventi diversi.

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2022 Swammy Awards: World Junior Female Swimmer of the Year – Summer McIntosh

McIntosh’s incredible year included two long course world titles, two Commonwealth titles and ranking inside the world’s top six in six different events.


2022 SC World Champs Previews: Among Heavy Absences, the Stage is Set for Li Bingjie

China’s Li Bingjie is set up very well to repeat as champion in both the 400 and 800 free.


Junior Worlds Silver Medalist Minna Abraham of Hungary Commits to USC

Hungary’s Minna Abraham will join the Trojans next fall with times that would have made 2022 NCAAs in the 200 free and 400 IM.


Alexa Reyna Downs 1500 French Age Record for 17-year-olds

In a time trial yesterday afternoon, Alexa Reyna took down the French record in the 1500 for 17-year-olds with a time of 16:02.61

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Katie Grimes Breaks SCM World Junior Record In Women’s 1500 Free – 15:42.05

In a specific attempt to break the World Junior Record, Katie Grimes took more than three seconds off Merve Tunce’s old mark in 15:42.05.


Katie Grimes Nuovo Record Del Mondo Jr Nei 1500 Stile Libero

Katie Grimes ha conquistato il record mondiale juniores nei 1500 stile libero femminili (SCM) questo pomeriggio a Indianapolis.

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FINA To Add Women’s 1500 Free At Indy World Cup For “World Junior Record Attempt”

At the Indy World Cup, there will be a race between Alexa Reyna and Katie Grimes in the 1500 free, as they both make an attempt at the World Junior Record.


Quale Campionato Juniores Del 2022 E’ Stato Più Veloce?

La stagione juniores è stata molto ricca e possiamo stilare una classifica dei meeting giovanili e degli atleti più veloci

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Which Junior Meet Was Fastest? Comparing Results From Worlds, Euros & Pan Pacs

Combining the results from this summer’s World Junior Championships, European Junior Championships and Junior Pan Pacific Championships.


Italia Da Record Ai Campionati Mondiali Jr Con 20 Medaglie

Con 20 medaglie, di cui due ori, la nazionale juniores italiana sorpassa il record di 17 medaglie che aveva conquistato a Rio nel 2006.

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