Julia Galan

How to Become a Smarter Goal-Setter

A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. To set a specific goal you must answer six “W” questions…

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Chasing the Olympic Dream with Kristy Kowal

Kristy Kowal: “Two weeks before the 1996 Olympic Trials, I had broken the national high school record, unshaved and unrested, so I felt that I was on a great path to swimming fast. However, Trials was the absolute scariest meet I have ever been to.”


Rebecca Soni: Life Outside the Pool

We recently chatted with Rebecca about life after Olympic glory, overcoming obstacles, and some of her proudest moments outside of swimming.


The 3rd Annual Ocean Games: A Premier East Coast Open Water Event

From the 1, 3 and 9-mile ocean swims to the East Coast SUP CUP paddleboard races, the Ocean Games is continuing its transformation from a local swim into one of the East Coast’s premier open water events.

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4 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Stroke Technique Analyzed

The sheer density of the water we have to swim through – 800 times denser than air, to be precise – means that learning to swim efficiently should be an aspiring athlete’s first priority.


5 Keys to Finding the Motivation to Train

For many former competitive swimmers, finding the motivation to return to consistent training after a long and intense career can be challenging.

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Jim McDonnell Lake Swim: a Top-50 Open Water Swim

The 28th Annual Jim McDonnell Lake Swim is a weekend tradition for the love of open water.

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8 Tips for Triathlon Parents

Monique McDonough is a 5-time Ironman finisher who juggles parenthood, training, and a full-time job as a consultant.


Bondi Beach in Brighton: England’s Successful Sea Swimming Centre

With many pools in the UK facing closure since the 2012 Olympic Games, the Brighton sea swimming center represents a glimmer of hope amidst an uncertain swimming future.


10 Misconceptions About Swimming

Swimming seems like an ideal sport, right? Not so fast. Just getting in the pool and swimming is not necessarily the key to unlocking all of its potential benefits.


5 Tips To Conquer Open Water Swimming

5 tips to conquer open water swimming with “2014 World Open Water Swimming Man of the Year” Henri Kaarma.

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Racing for Brain Trauma Awareness: The 3rd Annual Ocean Games

When a motorcycle accident in 2007 left founder and race director Corey Davis with a traumatic brain injury, rendering him unable to walk, the Johns Hopkins Brain and Stroke Rehabilitation Program became his hope.


Eva Fabian: From the Open Water to the Ivy League

Yale University’s Eva Fabian is not your average collegiate swimmer. At just 21 years old, Eva has already established herself as an international champion in open water events and as a force to be reckoned with in NCAA distance swimming circles.

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On the Wings of Determination and Hope: Lily’s Story

Although Lily can only walk with the aid of crutches, this limitation has not stopped her from flying through life on the wings of determination and hope, with her fiercely supportive family and friends by her side.

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YMCA of Central Florida to Host 10th anniversary of the EU Swim

Orlando’s world-class YMCA Aquatic Center indoor swimming complex will be going global this autumn. On the 19th and 20th of…

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