Japan Open

Tokyo Open Domani E Domenica In Gara Anche Daiya Seto E Ikee Rikako

Tokyo Open. Si torna a gareggiare domani e domenica in Giappone, a Tokyo. Attesi sui blocchi di partenza Daiya Seto e Ikee Rikako

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Il 19enne Shoma Sato Nuota Il Personal Best 200 Rana 2:06.74

Il 19enne Shoma Sato stampa un’altra mostruosa prestazione nei 200 metri rana migliorando il suo PB e portandolo a 2:06.74

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Japan Open Day 2 Yui Ohashi 4:36 Nei 400 Misti – I Risultati

Japan Open 2021 Secondo giorno di gare a Tokyo, Giappone ed ancora tanti risultati interessanti. Il nostro recap completo

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Daiya Seto Tornerà A Gareggiare A Febbraio Al Japan Open

Daiya Seto tornerà a gareggiare ai primi di Febbraio dopo aver scontato una sospensione di 4 mesi per violazione del codice etico

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Tokyo New Year Meet 2021: Nella Start List Assente Rikako Ikee

Tokyo New Year Meet Si torna a gareggiare a Tokyo in vasca corta. Ikee Rikako non gareggerà per l’aumento dei contagi a Tokyo

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McEvoy has Faced Some Unusual Challenges in Tokyo

Cameron McEvoy had an eventful first day in Tokyo which included his hotel being rattled by an earthquake and his Twitter account being hacked…


Ippei Watanabe Breaks World Junior Record In 200m Breaststroke At Japan Open

Japanese swimmer Ippei Watanabe set a new World Junior Record in the finals of the 200m breaststroke at the Japan Open with a time of 2:09.75.


Young British Swimming Squad Heads to Japan Open

A young squad of swimmers will compete at the Japan Open in Tokyo as British Swimming continues a development project in the Far East aimed at enhancing medal prospects at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.

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Kitajima Not Ready To Retire

Despite disappointing performances at the Japan Open Olympic legend Kosuke Kitajima told the media at the competition that this wasn’t the end of his career…


Japan more than doubles Pan Pacs/Asian Games rosters after Japan Open

25 more swimmers jumped onto the Pan Pacs team after the Japan Open, while 17 more made the Asian Games roster.

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Watanabe Breaks National HS Record; Hagino Gets Payback in 200 IM at Japan Open

The first event of the final session of competition at the 2013 Japan Open, the 200 IM’s, provided the most…

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Daiya Seto Bests Hagino in Men’s 400 IM Battle of Titans at Japan Open

Day 2 (out of 3) at the 2013 Japan Open in Kanagawa may have settled down a little as the…


Kitajima Swims Season Best 100 Breast to Start Japan Open

Kosuke Kitajima (above) had a good reaction to his month spent training with Dave Salo, and Kosuke Hagino was back in the pool after a dominating Japanese Championships performance. (File Photo: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)


Kosuke Kitajima to Train Back at USC for a Month Leading Into Japan Open

Kosuke Kitajima will return back for a short training stint with Dave Salo at USC leading up to the Japan Open in late May. (Photo Courtesy: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)

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Terakawa Goes 4th-Ranked Time in World in 200 Back at Japan Open

In addition to Terakawa’s fireworks, butterflier Yuka Kato took down a National Record. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)

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