David Verraszto

Milak Hits 51.1 100 Fly, Hosszu & Kapas Each Snag Wins On Day 1 Of ‘4 Nations’

20-year-old Hungarian Kristof Milak is getting his 2020 racing season underway with the 4 Nations Meet, which saw him take the men’s 100m fly.


4 Nations Meet: Prime Gare Questa Mattina Per Hosszu-Milak-Kapas-I Risutati

4 nations meet: questa mattina prima gara post lockdown per gli ungheresi. In acqua Katinka Hosszu, Boglarka Kapas, Kristof Milak. I Risultati

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Kristof Milak Kicks Off 2020 Season With 200 Free/100 Fly Morning Double

200 fly world record holder Kristof Milak is back to racing, taking on the 200m free and 100m fly on day 1 of the 4 Nations Meet.

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Milak, Hosszu & Cseh (In Breaststroke) Head To ‘4 Nations Meet’

Hungary’s Kristof Milak is set to take on his world-record-setting event of the 200m fly at the upcoming ‘4 Nations’ meet in his home country.


Roadmaps – Mapping the Journey of US Swimming Stars: Men’s 400 IM

How do these eight swimmers’ unique stroke specialities propel them to 400 IM success? Find out in this installment of U.S. Roadmaps.


Golden Tour Camille Muffat 2020 Al Via Oggi. Premi Per Le Batterie

Il Golden Tour 2020 si svolgerà a partire da oggi, 7 Febbraio nella piscina Jean Bouin in memoria della medaglia olimpica Camille Muffat

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2020 FFN Golden Tour Nice: Heat Swim $ Forfeited If Athletes Scratch Finals

Swimmers at the FFN Golden Tour this weekend in Nice will only get paid if they carry over their heats appearances to the finals.

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Katinka Hosszu Keeps On Trucking With SCM 200 Breast Hungarian Record

Katinka Hosszu powered her way to a new Hungarian national record in the women’s SCM 200 breast on day 3 of Hungarian Nationals.


Hosszu Collects 3 More Golds On Night 2 Of Hungarian SC Nationals

There was no stopping the Iron Lady tonight, as Katinka Hosszu went 3-for-3 in national short course titles in her home country.


La Nazionale Ungherese Per Glasgow Tra Veterani E Nomi Nuovi

La Nazionale Ungherese che parteciperà ai Campionati Europei in vasca corta, in programma dal 4 all’8 Dicembre a Glasgow, è stata diramata.

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ISL: Le Migliori Performance Ed Atleti All’Alba Dei Due Derby

La stagione inaugurale della ISL si avvia agli scontri finali. Vediamo quali sono state le migliori performance e gli atleti che hanno accumulato più punti

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ISL Checkpoint: Top Times & Swimmers Heading Into Derby Meets

After compiling the top times and top scoring swimmers, the Cali Condors look strong to take the US derby while the Roar/Energy battle is still one week away.


Michael Andrew Busts Out 2 Wins, C1 Scorches 100 Free Field To Wrap Up Doha

20-year-old Michael Andrew snagged 2 golds to close out this FINA World Cup Series campaign, including the 50m fly and 100m back.


Fina Swimming World Cup: Questo Week End L’Ultima Tappa In Qatar

La FINA Swimming World Cup è giunta alla conclusione dell’edizione 2019.L’ultima tappa della serie avrà luogo questo fine settimana in Qatar, a Doha.

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International Swimming League Match 4 in Budapest – Day 1 Live Recap

Follow along with us as results roll in and we’ll keep you up to date with the event results as well as the team standings.