Tokyo 2020 Olympic Swimming Previews: Daiya Seto Seeks 400 IM Redemption
Japan’s Daiya Seto is primed to make a statement in the men’s 400m IM, making up for lost time with his 2020 ethics suspension.
Follow the Hungarian Olympic Roster on Instagram and Twitter
As the Tokyo Games closely approach, follow the Hungarian roster on Instagram and Twitter. The roster features world record holder Katinka Hosszu.
SwimSwam Pulse: 62% Pick 4:07 Or Better To Win Olympic Men’s 400 IM
This event has had some wild swings in gold-medal times at the world level, with 4:05s and 4:09s winning world-level golds in varying years.
2021 Sette Colli Trophy Day 2 Finals Recap
World record holder Sarah Sjostrom of Sweden is set to swim her first 100m butterfly since having undergone elbow surgery.
ISL: Kromowidjojo-Santos-Hosszu-Henique-Glinta I Primi 5 Di Iron
La ISL ha iniziato ad annunciare quali nuotatori verranno mantenuti ufficialmente per la prossima stagione. Le scelte di Iron
ISL Stagione 3: Gli Atleti Protetti Da Iron E Tokyo Frog Kings
ISL dopo aver visto le liste degli atleti protetti da Energy Standard, Cali Condors, London Roar e LA Current, è il turno di Iron e Tokyo Frog
2021 European Championships: Day 7 Finals Live Recap
Swimming’s newest world record holder, 16-year-old Italian Benedetta Pilato, won Italy’s first gold medal in the women’s 50 breaststroke to close 2021 Euros.
Europei Di Budapest: Italia A Caccia Delle Ultime Medaglie Continentali
Sta per andare in scena l’ultima sessione di finali degli Europei. L’Italia schiera anche oggi grandi nomi, tutti con possibilià di medaglie
2021 European Championships: Day 7 Prelims Live Recap
The final prelims session of these championships will feature the men’s 400 IM, women’s 400 free, and both 4×100 medley relays.
Campionati Europei LEN Budapest Risultati Live Batterie Day 7
Pronti per raccontarvi anche stamattina l’ultima sessione di batterie dei Campionati Europei LEN di Budapest 2021 con il nostro live recap
Europei Budapest: L’Ungheria Schiera 61 Atleti Per Il Nuoto
I campionati Europei di nuoto del 2021 inizieranno lunedì 17 Maggio e la squadra di casa schiera un roster di ben 61 atleti.
61 Hungarian Athletes to Compete at European Championships in Home Country
Kristof Milak will be one of the Hungarian team’s highlights for the 2021 European Championships. Pool competition starts on May, 17th.
Helsinki Day 2: Mattsson Nails Finnish Record #2, Hulkko Hits 30.73 Breast
Matti Mattsson swam his second Finnish national record in Helsinki, breaking his 100 BR record at 1:00.46. Countrymate Ida Hulkko also hit 30.73 in the 50 BR.
Matti Mattsson Mints Finnish 200 BR National Record (2:08.51) in Helsinki
Matti Mattsson highlighted day one Helsinki finals with a new Finnish national record in the 200 breast at 2:08.51, now No. 15 all-time in European history.
Hulkko Wants to Be 1:07.0 In Helsinki Finals Following Recent 100 BR Finnish NR
Ida Hulkko broke the 100 BR Finnish record at 1:06.90 in Stockholm, yet settled for a 1:08.70 AM effort in Helsinki, placing second behind Jenna Laukkanen.