Nebraska, New Hampshire Set To Reopen Pools On June 1
Nebraska will reopen pools in all but its four hardest-hit counties. New Hampshire will reopen pools, but only on a reservation basis.
Spain: Madrid, Barcelona Move Onto Phase 1; Others Move Onto Phase 2
Madrid and Barcelona, where the nation’s main high-performance training centers are located, move today onto Phase 1 in the de-escalation process.
Los Nadadores Arena Spain Comentan Cómo Han Pasado Este Confinamiento
Los nadadores pertenecientes a arena Spain han comentado cómo han pasado estos días de confinamiento. A partir de mañana, toda España se ubicará en la Fase 1.
Madrid: La FMN Es Criticada Por Su Política De Reapertura
“Primero serán los deportistas del Centro de Tecnificación. Para el resto de deportistas ya falta menos,” emitió la FMN a través de Twitter.
Argentinian Swimming Federation Calls For Reopening Of Swimming Pools
“We have never stalled for 8 weeks,” national swimming head coach Gustavo Roldan said. “It is the only sport that cannot adapt to another setting.”
Madrid State Swimming Federation Faces Backlash Following Reopening Statement
“First will be athletes pertaining to the training center, the time is approaching for the remaining athletes,” the statement issued by the federation read.
Le Olimpiadi Verranno Cancellate Se Non Si Potranno Svolgere Nel 2021
Le Olimpiadi verranno definitivamente cancellate se non sarà possibile svolgerle in sicurezza nel 2021. Lo dichiara il presidente CIO
Madrid Natación Club: Nace Una Nueva Franquicia
“De cara a la temporada que viene tendremos los recursos suficientes para llevar a cabo el desempeño del club,” comentaba el grupo de deportistas.
Decreto Rilancio: Voucher Come Rimborsi Abbonamenti
Il Decreto Rilancio offre la possibilità per i gestori di impianti sportivi di rimborsare abbonamenti non goduti con voucher di pari importo
La natación argentina pide volver al agua cuanto antes
Se cumplen dos meses de cuarentena en la Argentina, por el coronavirus. Y a diferencia de otros países, sus nadadores no tienen acceso a las piscinas.
Madrid Natacion Club: A New Franchise Is Born
“Nationally, we have a lot of ambition, and of course, getting to win the Spanish Cup in the honors division would be our dream,” the team indicated.
Spain’s Main Training Centers Located In Madrid And Barcelona Reopen
Prior to entering campus, athletes had their temperature taken and were screened for any possible sign of COVID-19 symptoms.
Australian News Footage Shows Cate Campbell & Australia’s Return To Training
Australia’s Cate Campbell is back in the water, sharing some inside footage of what she said was a light and relatively low-volume return to training.
Spanish Sports Council Launches Post-Coronavirus Code Of Conduct
Calling for exemplarity and transparency in terms of sports management, the document aims to create a collaborative and respectful environment.
In Giappone Creata La Mascherina Trasparente Per Gli Allenatori
In Giappone è stata progettata una speciale mascherina pensata per chi dovrà frequentare le piscine. E’ trasparente e traspirante