Sun Yang Eyeing Thailand as China Weighs Possible Gold Coast Protest

by Retta Race 37

January 26th, 2015 Asia, Australia, International, News

As reported earlier this month, Chinese swimmer Sun Yang has been training via a rented lane within Runaway Bay pool aquatics center on the Gold Coast, Australia, despite having Swimming Australia and former coach Denis Cotterell publicly cutting ties to the World Record holder.

However, it was reported by The Daily Telegraph this morning that facility management will “likely limit [Yang’s] training contract to just a month in an effort to stem unwanted publicity.”

Yang, who trains with former Miami Swimming Club assistant Brian King, is now on the look-out for a new training option and, according to The Telegraph,  “Thailand’s multi-million dollar Thanyapura training facility is believed to be at the top of their list.”

The Chinese Swimming Association is reportedly considering the removal of all of its Gold Coast-based swimmers in an act of protest to the treatment of Yang; this includes approximately 70 swimmers.

Updates will continue as soon as they become available.

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10 years ago

Then you never witnessed his horrid behaviour. Again, why take away from the parents then who have had the courage to come forward, and imply that young, innocent children are lying. Keep commenting, you are only making more parents mader – as evident in the other forum by your comments – and we need more and more people to come forward to SAL.

Reply to  Roger
10 years ago

ho hum

Reply to  Roy
10 years ago

Thanks Roy, you’ve proven with that last comment what a pratt you are.

Reply to  Roger
10 years ago

Glad we cleared that up! For some reason the moderator didn’t allow my reply. Perhaps the laws that I alluded to in this country have been changed. You have your opinion, I’ll have mine. I wish those with a legitimate case against Mr King success and hope they find peace. You, Roger, will forever remain just another so-and-so with a closed mind. No point trying to talk common sense here.

Reply to  Roy
10 years ago

You are a fool, sir. My complaint is with SAL. My child was a victim. Now, go away.

Everyone's Been Duped
Reply to  Roy
9 years ago

What do you have to say now, Roy, BK falsified his resume. How many athletes were injured because of his so-called “expertise”. Disgraceful.
Reported in the Daily Telegraph by Jessica Halloran (article link below), Brian King:
* Never was an assistant coach to the Australian Junior Olympic Swimming Team in 1998 because the team never existed.
* Didn’t win the Queen of England Award for Swimming, presented by former PM John Howard because the award doesn’t exist.
* Never was a coach of a NSWIS Sport Paralympic team.
* Never was a swim coach at NSWIS.
* Does not have a Bachelor of Sports Science degree, or a Masters in Biomechanics as he claims from the University of Adelaide.

10 years ago

I read newspapers. I don’t believe everything I read. I believe in giving people a fair hearing, not a trial by media. I’d rather look like an idiot for giving someone a fair go than for being mean

Reply to  Roy
10 years ago

Roger, all this negative publicity is hitting a raw nerve with you because you are Brian’s friend. May I suggest you ask Brian for the TRUTH before commenting again because you are beginning to look foolish here and in the other forum. “Being mean” to Brian; are you kidding me? Do you think this has all been masterminded so people can ruin a man’s career? Brian’s emotional and verbal abuse (“being mean”!!!!) dates back to 2010 when he made a child bark, reported in the newspaper, and the Miami and Kingston parents did not know of each other’s complaints before a pattern emerged in the other forum. Shannon Mcdonald confirmed it all (is that not good enough for you?) Brian… Read more »

Reply to  Roy
10 years ago

ROY, all this negative publicity is hitting a raw nerve with you because you are Brian’s friend. May I suggest you ask Brian for the TRUTH before commenting again because you are beginning to look foolish here and in the other forum. “Being mean” to Brian; are you kidding me? Do you think this has all been masterminded so people can ruin a man’s career? Brian’s emotional and verbal abuse (“being mean”!!!!) dates back to 2010 when he made a child bark, reported in the newspaper, and the Miami and Kingston parents did not know of each other’s complaints before a pattern emerged in the other forum. Shannon Mcdonald confirmed it all (is that not good enough for you?) Brian… Read more »

Reply to  Roger
10 years ago

Roger, I am not Brian’s friend. I have been coached by him. I don’t consider everyone I have dealings with to be friends. Is it not possible to stand up for someone who is not a friend? By the way, I am not the subject of this forum, merely adding my piece, as are others. I just don’t see the need to be rude about people in a public forum. If you have details to add, fine. If you just want to defame people then shame on you.

Reply to  Roger
10 years ago

PS, Roger. Were you there in 2010???

Reply to  Roy
10 years ago

Then why deflect from the seriousness of this? Do not take away from the courage it has taken for parents to come out and expose Mr King. There is no defamation when you are stating facts. Why were you there in 2010 – you said you were trained by him. That makes you 14-18 years old at the moment. Still at Miami are you? Something not adding up. Shame on you young man!

Reply to  Roger
10 years ago

Brian King doesn’t only train children, you know

10 years ago

It’s good for Sun Yang.

Thailand is not exactly a place where there is strong drug testing regime, let alone for for foreign athletes who train there.

I am vindicated yet again. Just in 2013 (after Yang won olympics and worlds golds) there were a couple well known posters here claiming that Sun Yang was the greatest ever distance swimmer, while I argued the opposite that Yang at the very least had to win 2 more 1,500 olympics gold to claim that status which is in my opinion is still held by Grant Hackett.

Yang, you have such great talent. You did not have to resort to cheating ways to win all those great feats.

Water Lover
10 years ago

A move to Thanyapura in Phuket would be very pertinent considering they are known as a leading source of age rejuvenation, growth hormone and stem cell treatments from their Wellness Centre. I’m sure they could help Sun Yang!

Reply to  Water Lover
10 years ago

And all kinds of drugs are easily obtainable in Thailand.

Chris M
10 years ago

I wonder if Sun’s coach Brian King has more to do with Sun being booted from these pools than Sun himself? And whether or not the Chinese Swimming Federation have an awareness of the controversy currently surrounding Mr King – his pending ASTCA investigation and parents who are coming forward (as in the comments in the article below). Or the CSF don’t care because Brian King was Denis Cotterell’s assistant, and Denis is still training Sun Yang by proxy?

Gina Rhinestone
Reply to  Chris M
10 years ago

Chris – pending Astca investigation makes it sound really bad & some sort of official body when it. Is only a voluntary swim teachers & coaches association .

Your post seeks to insinuate a crime has been committed.

Are you sure it is only the CSF ? I would be expecting The Great Committee of the Esteemed People’s Republic of China Minus Those Awful Pre Communist Dynasties & Don’t Mention The GangOfFour Either Swimming Federation .

Would you like the address of the nearest police staion?

Chris M
Reply to  Gina Rhinestone
10 years ago

Gina, you harp on about the nearest police station in your other comment too and you were knocked down in your response, and rightfully so. How can you defend BK’s actions after reading the comments? Shame on you! My point being BK might be the reason Sun is being booted from the pools. ASTCA has the authority to take BK’s accreditation away – is that not serious enough for you?

Chris M
Reply to  Chris M
10 years ago

No, I have not acted disgustingly. How? Mr King is the one who has acted disgustingly and if you think otherwise, please explain. Read the comments, it is overwhelmingly against BK and none of it positive. Why have that many people come out publicly against BK? You know why? SAL refuse to do anything. You cannot go to the police for emotional abuse of swimmers. Your sarcasm is lost on me and I don’t find children hurting themselves because their coach emotionally abused them a laughing matter – why do you? Don’t you think ASTCA and SAL have had complaints? It is their lack of intervention spanning five years why BK is still on pool deck. Me? I hope he… Read more »

Reply to  Chris M
10 years ago

I know Brian King. I also know the people perpetuating the innuendo. Please don’t judge until the law has. You’ll only end up looking like an idiot

Reply to  Chris M
10 years ago

You, Roy, are the one looking like an idiot sticking up for him. Is your head buried in the sand, or don’t you read the newspapers.

Reply to  Chris M
10 years ago

He made a young child bark like a dog; you think that is appropriate behaviour from a coach?

Hence, why would pool operators want him at their facilities? The issue might not be Sun Yang.

Chris M
Reply to  Gina Rhinestone
10 years ago

….further ASTCA members abide by the same SAL Child Welfare policies and Member Welfare policies. You might like to read up on them.

Reply to  Chris M
10 years ago

Member welfare policies ? Huh I sat through such excruciatingly painful seminars that I should sue for post traumatic convention syndrome .

I am eagerly waiting for The Royal Commission for Upset Gold Coast Swim Parents . I am sure to see you all there. Hang in there & don’t have strokes – it should take no more than 30-50 years .

Chris M
Reply to  Gina!Rhinestone
10 years ago

Gina, whoever you are, you are trully disgusting.

Gina Rhinestone
Reply to  Gina!Rhinestone
10 years ago

I don’t like your chances in a defamation case . You have acted disgustingly . I , on the other hand , have been angelic .

If I knew what it was all about & you could tell me ( apart from the defamation ) I can walk 900 metres to the nearest Qld police station .

I am at your service .

Signed Yours in sport & law

Gina .

Everyone's Been Duped
Reply to  Gina!Rhinestone
9 years ago

Wonder what Gina & Roy have to say about this?
Reported in the Daily Telegraph by Jessica Halloran (article link below), Brian King:
* Never was an assistant coach to the Australian Junior Olympic Swimming Team in 1998 because the team never existed.
* Didn’t win the Queen of England Award for Swimming, presented by former PM John Howard because the award doesn’t exist.
* Never was a coach of a NSWIS Sport Paralympic team.
* Never was a swim coach at NSWIS.
* Does not have a Bachelor of Sports Science degree, or a Masters in Biomechanics as he claims from the University of Adelaide.

bobo gigi
10 years ago

Why always all that drama about Sun Yang?

Justin Thompson
Reply to  bobo gigi
10 years ago

Great question and I wonder how much this will ultimately impact his training and preparations towards WC and Rio. I’m of the mindset that he has been in a decline these past couple of years and much of it has to do with all the drama.

Reply to  Justin Thompson
10 years ago

Sun yang’s social skills is not as competent as his swimming intelligent. He knows little about how to handle interpersonal relationship tactfully. He is a confident and straightforward young man as he should be,but he never arrogant. He may sometimes give it too much,thus get him continually giving offence, which places him in danger from disgruntled media. The consequences are obvious when media is not by your side.
There has arisen some bad conduct in social media and network. People love seeing celebrities falling off from the alter,success.In the negative social mood, truth is hidden,unreliable rumors become facts, coz they don’t give a damn.
The superiors decided when to teach him a lesson as… Read more »

bobo gigi
10 years ago

Very interesting comment.
Don’t be sorry. Your English is very good.
I love Sun Yang’s freestyle technique. So smooth!
And it also bothers me to see all these negative things happen about him.
I’m not very worried about the next big competitions. He’s still THE man to beat from the 400 free to the 1500 free.

10 years ago

THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR EXPLAINING EVERYTHING SO WELL!!! More people should know the true story about him and you just did a GREAT job!!
btw I’m also a fan 😉

10 years ago

Are there no swimming pools in China?

Reply to  ozsu
10 years ago

Needless to say there are numerous swimming pools in China. Most of them locate in schools, universities, parks, residential areas ,street blocks, sports centers and natatoriums in each city. I’m talking about the competition-standard swimming pool. But there seems no appropriate environment for training, that’s too professional a question for me.

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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