Stephanie Rice Opens up about being bullied

Stephanie Rice is a triple Olympic gold medallist, a former world record holder and is now a health and fitness reporter and has once again showed us that no one is immune to some of the harsher realities in life.

In a recent article interview with The Sunday Telegraph Rice, who is now a contestant  on the latest instalment of Celebrity Apprentice Australia, shared that she was bullied as a child and has dealt with self image issues for much of her life, “I was bullied quite a lot through primary school,” said Rice.

“It was terrible. I would cry every day, it was really bad. I was very self conscious.

“It was terrible. I would cry every day, it was really bad. I was very self conscious. I was a bit chubbier and swimming gave me something special. People would look at me back at school and never would have thought I would have gotten to where I am now.”

Rice won both the 200 and 400 IM and was on the Australian gold medal winning 4 x 200 freestyle relay team at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

Even though swimming did give her a safe haven she still had an obsession with her weight that was unhealthy, “Almost every girl I know has been through something similar,” she explained.

“Just in that high school phase, I used to try and be like all these other girls at school and wouldn’t eat very much yet I was training hectically and these other girls weren’t.

“I definitely went through a phase – I wouldn’t call it an eating disorder – but I was definitely very conscious of my weight.”

“I’m glad I got through that and the way I did was just educating myself on food and how the body works.”

Rice, who is considering a return to the pool, told the Herald Sun that learned some hard lessons growing up in the national spotlight,”I guess a lot of people think I’m a lot older than I actually am because I was thrown into the spotlight and the world of media at 17,” she said.

“I had to try and figure out who I am and what I stand for as well as the pressure of swimming. I feel like I’m in a really great place at the moment where I know what I want out of life where I probably didn’t before.”

“I have definitely made mistakes in my life and I’m more than happy to admit that. I used to be very emotional if people didn’t like me or if something negative was written about me. I can’t pin my happiness on what other people think.”

“It was a hard lesson but people have it much harder than me so I’m not at trying to use that for attention.”



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11 years ago

This is the girl who posted about “faggots” when considerably older than school bullies.

Kirk Nelson
11 years ago

I can’t believe Stephanie Rice was ever “chubby.” Come on!

11 years ago

I really appreciate Stephanie & Swim Swam sharing this! Not shocked at the above comments…unfortunately….maybe one of the reasons bullying is still tolerated.
Many swimmers/people will benefit fom reading this…..bully posters aside!

11 years ago

You guys are being a bit harsh.

Philip Johnson
11 years ago

Stephanie, you’re beautiful, you accomplish pretty much everything in swimming, financially secure, and went to the Olympic and won gold medals!

11 years ago


11 years ago

Grow up. She’s 20+ years old, everyone got bullied as a kid. Bring me real news.

Reply to  Richard
11 years ago

Unless you’re Emily Seebholm and the one doing the bullying…

11 years ago

Jg- agreed! This is ridiculous. Attention hounds….