St. Mary’s (MD.) Coach Andre Barbins Arrested on Charges of Child Porn

Former St. Mary’s College of Maryland head swimming coach Andre Barbins has been charged in the state of Maryland with soliciting a subject for child pornography and obscene material sale to minors.

The specific text from the Maryland statutes that Barbins has been charged with, according to Maryland records:

A person may not: cause, induce, solicit, or knowingly allow a minor to engage as a subject in the production of obscene matter or a visual representation or performance that depicts a minor engaged as a subject in sadomasochistic abuse or sexual conduct;

A person may not willfully or knowingly engage in the business of displaying, exhibiting, selling, showing, advertising for sale, or distributing to a minor an item: that consists of an obscene picture of a nude or partially nude figure.

The 45-year old Barbins was taken into custody last Friday after investigators found digital media storage devices containing child pornography in his home.

Barbins has been the head coach at St. Mary’s for 18 years and is also the aquatics director and a member of the NCAA Division III Men’s & Women’s Swimming & Diving Committee.

Below is a statement from St. Mary’s College:

“St. Mary’s College of Maryland learned that Andre Barbins, the College’s head swimming coach, has been arrested. The College is taking all steps necessary to protect the safety of its campus and community, and is cooperating fully with law enforcement. Assistant Coach Hattie Schiavone has assumed coaching duties. As with all personnel matters, the College is unable to provide further comment.”

Schiavone is listed as the team’s interim head coach on their website as the program prepares to host the upcoming Capital Athletic Conference Championships for the 11th-consecutive season.

Maryland court records show that this isn’t Barbins’ first legal issue while the head coach of St. Mary’s College. In April of 2009, Barbins was arrested and pleaded guilty to driving a vehicle while impaired by alcohol. He entered a guilty plea and was sentence to probation.

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Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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