Q & A Open Water Swimming National Teamer Eva Fabian

With the upcoming USA Swimming Open Water Nationals coming up this June 13th & 15th at Lake Castaic in Southern California we’re checking in some of USA Swimming’s national team to get their perspective on open water swimming.  Today we serve up answers from Eva Fabian.  Eva is standout scholar athlete at Yale and has been a fixture in the open water swimming world for many years.

What differentiates an Open Water Nationals from pool nationals (aside from the fact that it’s open water)?

Open Water Nationals and pool nationals possess the same amazing energy and excitement. The main differences result from the differences in the events; open water warm ups and preparations are different and so that creates a different feel.

Do you think there’s a different bond amongst open water swimmers?
Open water teams are much smaller and are very close. They are a really fun group to be a part of and I am so thankful for the experience.
Do you think open water swimming is changing? If so, in what ways?
Open water is a constantly evolving sport, and each race differs in it’s own way. Change is part of the event!
We all saw the prank Alex played on the group out at the Crippen Cup with the alligator head. Do you have any other pranks you’ve seen or pulled in the open water?
Not necessarily IN the open water, but Fran did steal my Harry Potter book and tape it to the ceiling of the team room during 2010 Worlds… greatest prank I’ve ever seen by far!!
What’s on your pre race pump up playlist?
Anything by Shakira!! Right now I’m listening to a lot of J-Lo too, and Beyonce is always on my iPod.
Do you ever wish you were a sprinter?
I love being a distance swimmer!! It’s such a fun, hilarious group of people to be a part of. I love the distance lane at Yale and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Who’s your favorite open water swimmer?
My favorite open water swimmer will always be my role model Fran. He stood for everything that is good about sports; hard work, friendship, leadership, and an amazing attitude.
What do you want people to know about open water swimming?
Open water swimmers get to go to the beach. A lot. And it is awesome.


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Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis is a freelance commercial, sport and lifestyle photographer based in San Diego.  Mike began making photos in the early 80’s and immersed himself in all aspects of the photographic arts.  Mike’s professional career in in photography began after 12 years working within the United States Olympic movement; he …

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