What does the perfect Swimmer’s Groundhog Day look like for you?

Courtesy of Josh Davis, 5-time Olympic medalist. 

Groundhog Day, Bill MurrayAt the end of one of my favorite movies, Groundhog Day, Bill Murray’s character finally lives the perfect day. After repeating Feb 2nd innumerable times, he eventually makes each day a masterpiece by developing his talents and hobbies to the fullest potential, but most importantly, by serving others and showing genuine love to his friends without expecting anything in return.

What does the perfect Swimmer’s Groundhog Day look like for you?

Let’s goes through a list of attitudes and actions that can make for a great swimmer day everyday, not just Groundhog Day.

  • Josh Davis5:30am wake up to favorite music
  • 5:35am warm up car and get swim bag ready
  • 5:40am 1st breakfast of whole grain bread w peanut butter and yogurt and water
  • 5:45pm drive carefully to practice in warm car
  • 5:55am arrive early and be ready to encourage others
  • 6:00am be the first to dive in, have a perfect beautiful warm up, awesome main set, cheer on your teammates, and of course tight streamlines the whole time. Actually get out and go to bathroom to pee.
  • 7:00am tell your coach thank you for preparing a practice and the opportunity to get better.
  • 5-time Olympic medalist, Josh Davis, calling YMCA Nationals races from the booth.

    5-time Olympic medalist, Josh Davis, calling YMCA Nationals races from the booth.

    7:15am 2nd breakfast of oatmeal with fruit and nuts, and eggs and toast

  • 8:00am to 3pm be kind to everybody at work or school, stay awake and contribute in class, tell all your teachers and/or co-workers thank you
  • 3:30pm healthy snack and short power nap
  • 4:30pm another awesome workout of perfect streamlines and cheering on teammates
  • 6:30pm 1st dinner with family
  • 7:30pm knock out homework, practice instrument, read a few chapters of great books
  • 9:30pm 2nd dinner
  • 10:00pm get to bed on time with swim bag ready and alarm set to have another great swim day!

What would you include in your perfect Groundhog Swim Day?

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Indiana Swimmer
10 years ago

Well, last night we got over a foot of snow, so school is closed, making this the perfect Groundhog Day.