Olympic Trials TV/Webcast Watching Schedule

For those not lucky enough to be in Omaha, here’s the schedule for the upcoming Olympic Trials.

There will be no international (legal) webcast of Trials, because of international rights agreements, but there will be a live stream of the meet on NBCOlympics.com for those in the United States. That will be a big disappointment to fans around the globe. A small consolation trying to watch friends and family in the prelims, though, is that USA Swimming will be providing a webcast live for all but the fastest heats of the morning prelims.

After that, the fastest morning heats will be played on taped delay in the evenings prior to finals.

Finals will air live on NBC (free broadcast station) at 8 Eastern Time and 7 Central Time, but will be on Tape Delay in the Mountain Time Zone (7 PM Mountain) and Pacific Time Zone (8 PM Pacific). Those in the tape-delay time zones can still catch the action on NBCOlympics.com live, however.

The Television Schedule is below (finals are highlighted in blue). NBC is the broadcast network, NBCSN is their cable sports network.

June 25 6:30-8 p.m. NBCSN Heats
June 25 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 26 6:30-8p.m. NBCSN Heats
June 26 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 27 7-8 p.m. NBCSN Heats
June 27 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 28 4:30-5:30 p.m. NBCSN Heats
June 28 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 29 4:30-6 p.m. NBCSN Heats
June 29 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 30 6:30-8 p.m. NBCSN Heats
June 30 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
July 1 6-7 p.m. NBCSN Heats
July 1 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
July 2 8-8:30 p.m. NBC Finals

The NBCOlympics.com Streaming Schedule is Below.

June 25 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 26 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 27 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 28 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 29 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
June 30 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
July 1 8-9 p.m. NBC Finals
July 2 8-8:30 p.m. NBC Finals

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WhatTheHell NBC
12 years ago

Since when does a broadcast network require that you have a cable subscription to watch the webcast online?? What a joke. I have no reception due to the tropical storm and don’t have cable. Thank you NBC for screwing me out of being able to watch the trials. So now my choice is to go somewhere to watch it or buy a cable subscription just to watch the Olympics… Screw NBC, they clearly don’t care about Americans that don’t have the money for cable but want to support team USA.

12 years ago

Looking at my channel list I’m coming up with a NBCSP on Charter; is that the same thing as NBCSN? And are these evening tapes of the last 3 heats really our only options?? I thought in 2008 you could watch everything live online in the morning??

Reply to  liquidassets
12 years ago

NBCSP is playing Olympic trials today!

12 years ago

This is absolutely ridiculous! I’m in Sweden from the States for two weeks of training and can’t even watch a live stream? It’s well past time for NBC to get out of the stone age when it comes to the ability to watched video of past Olympics and trials.

Reply to  RobbieK
12 years ago

I agree!

I am even willing to shell out a dollar or two to be able to watch US trials.

In this age of the internet, it is just unbelievable that one of the biggest media companies in the world is still behaving like a dinosaur

12 years ago

Since I am not in the USA, I am really hoping that some really really nice and kind US swimming fans would out the fastest heats and all semis/finals on youtube as soon as each race is over

Reply to  aswimfan
12 years ago

i have a sinking feeling nbc will pull any such clips off youtube for copyright infringement yada yada…

hopefully im wrong tho!

Reply to  aswimfan
12 years ago

(sorry if this gets posted twice as didnt seem to work 1st time round)

this may help fans from outside of the us who wants to watch the nbc live broadcasts of finals: http://www.stream2watch.me/live-tv/nbc-live-stream

(link kindly posted by Tom on his website)

Jean Michel
12 years ago

ON BBC TV whatsover , last year , nearly all swimming Finals were Broadcasted Live from Shangai . So , i beleive this Olympic year , they willl do the same .

12 years ago

I understand there is frustration about tape delay etc. However, I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to watch Trials. The fact that it is being shown during primetime is a true marker for how far our sport has come as being recognized, passionately appreciated, and loved as an American pastime. Thank you for your loyalty and all you do to equip us all swimswam staff!

Reply to  pettyswimming
12 years ago

NBS coverage sucks. they only show select heats, the announcers are annoying, the don’t take the time to show each swimmer in finals getting announced, Hey its the moment they have work to get to and NBC only focuses on the top qualifiers. I watched a 100 back prelim heat, the whole race went off and the announcers never talked about who was leading or how any of the swimmers were doing, it was all about one person and she ended up in 5th.
Get somebody who actually watches the races and cares about the sport not the hype.

12 years ago

Is the nbc olympics webcast the same as the “Live extra” they are using for the olympics? For live extra you must have a cable provider and know your login information. They are recommending you sign up now so that you don’t get caught filling out forms at the last minute.

Reply to  BYoung001
12 years ago

NBC sucks! Whats with forcing everyone to watch tape delayed heats??!!?? Are they going to do the same for the Olympics?

Reply to  BYoung001
12 years ago

Oh wow, that whole site is incredibly flawed. It’s already not letting me access the second step of the sign-in process, just get a spinny wheel of death. Awesome.

And then the page for the phone/tablet apps literally doesn’t have a link to where I can download said apps. Oof. Well done, NBC.

Reply to  junker23
12 years ago

Ah, the phone/tablet apps are “coming soon.”

Best part of the sign-in not working is that my cable provider is Comcast. Which, ya know, kinda owns NBC.

Reply to  BYoung001
12 years ago

I just tried logging in, and got a message that all was well because I was already logged in with Directv. If anyone’s shopping for a new cable/satellite package, right now if you go with Directv and their sports package, you also get all of Universal Sports’ live web coverage for free, which has been nice for the swimming Grand Prix season. (No affiliation with the company, just someone very happy with their sports program options despite other problems I’ve had with them over the years.)

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of SwimSwam.com. He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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