Olympic Champion Cate Campbell: 2024 Aussie Olympic Trials Will Definitely Be My Last

One would find it extremely difficult to summarize the enormous success of Australian women’s sprinting without including multi-Olympic medalist Cate Campbell.

Throughout her prolific career, Campbell has amassed 12 World Championships medals and 4 Olympic golds. However, the 31-year-old still has more hardware and accolades in her sights.

With the 2024 Olympic Games fewer than 300 days away, C1 recently spoke with World Aquatics about her post-Tokyo swimming break, her participation in this year’s World Cup, as well as how she views next year’s Aussie Olympic Trials.

You can read the entire interview here; however, below are some highlights from C1’s candid discussion.

When asked how important it was to take time off from swimming, Campbell stated, “If I had not been able to take the time off, I think I would have retired.

“It wasn’t that I had fallen out of love with the sport, I just felt that I needed a break.

“Physically, mentally preparing for Tokyo was my toughest Olympic campaign. The added (Covid) year did not do me any favours. It was really a grind to get there. While I didn’t think I was finished with the sport, I wasn’t ready to go back into the daily grind, the relentless monotony of training and the very high expectations that Australians have on their swimmers, and also for the high expectations that I have on myself.”

C1 also spoke about the fact that she’ll have a total of 18 months of training to prepare for the Aussie Trials and Paris.

“I knew that I needed to give myself 18 months of training if I wanted to be in shape for Trials and for Paris.

“I started back in January of this year. It wasn’t scientifically based, it was what I thought I would need. And I guess we will find out next year whether I have given myself enough time or whether it was a good idea. But I will say the time off will have kept me in the sport and hopefully will allow me to go to my fifth Olympic Games.”

Regarding the 2024 Australian Olympic Trials, C1 said, “It will definitely be my last Trials, and I am not sure if I will be looking forward to it or dreading is the right word.

“The Australian trials will always be the most nerve-wracking event on the calendar.

“The women’s 100m freestyle is by far the toughest event.  To qualify for the Australian swim team you have to be amongst the best in the world. It will be harder to qualify for our national final than to qualify for the Olympic final.”

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7 months ago

And all the Lord’s people said AMEN

7 months ago

A Doha scenario to discuss/shoot down.

Send both C1 & C2 (and maybe Wilson if they’ve any interest in 4×200) along with Moesch & Jansen.

Moesch and one of the seniors get individual starts in 100 and probably a similar scenario in 50.

Both “juniors” will at minimum get senior World level relay heat experience and, barring acts of self destruction in said heats, at least one will swim the final.

Would give such a 4×100 a very realistic chance of “title defence”.

Reply to  commonwombat
7 months ago

Very likely, possibly need 3 to go as cant see C1 or C2 swimming relay heats. Wunsch, Jansen, whoever goes for fly, Perkins

Reply to  commonwombat
7 months ago

Great idea.

Reply to  commonwombat
7 months ago

Would be great to see them retain this title. Did you mean Wunsch instead of Moesch (American)?

Reply to  Troyy
7 months ago

Mea culpa, definitely meant Wunsch

To answer Skip, C1 might get a leave pass for heats but would prefer 2 older experienced heads in the heats line-up so likely double duty for. C2

Reply to  commonwombat
7 months ago

Great- the type of thinking that could make the WC24 of some use to AUS …..

tea rex
7 months ago

I’m glad she’s realistic about the level of competition, but I hope she enjoys the process and lets the results end up being whatever they are. I hope in a few months she’s looking forward to Trials, even if making the Olympics is a stretch.

7 months ago

No surprise that this will be the fi.nal trials for Cate (and Bronte).

Farewell C! & C2 and thank you for your service.

7 months ago

2024 Australian Trials
100m Freestyle Womens

MOC 51.75
Jack 51.98
McKeon 52.18
C.Campbell 52.30
Harris 52.65
Wunsch 52.79
Wilson 52.90
B.Campbell 53.05

Last edited 7 months ago by Dan_tm
Reply to  Dan_tm
7 months ago

I don’t think this is even close but would be wonderful.

Reply to  Robbos
7 months ago

Why not?
It will be faster and more competitive than 2021 Trials

Reply to  Dan_tm
7 months ago

It’s assuming everybody will be on form

Reply to  ‘Murica
7 months ago

Fully agree; would actually wait until we have actual 2023 data/form before making realistic time projections.

FWIW, whilst I see a sub52 winner as a viable but far from çertain outcome, top 2 below is most likely a significant “ask” as would all finalists below 53.

Top 3 below 52.5; top 5 (maybe 6) would be an outcome I’d “take” …….. at this point.

Reply to  Dan_tm
7 months ago

MOC 51.75 Yes don’t disagree, why not 51.70 to take WR as well
Jack 51.98 Yes very possible.
McKeon 52.18 Big ??? She was Australia’s top 100 free swimmer in the Short course WC & while still 5th best time in the world, did she have a year of not top training or she is waning, hopefully the lformer.
C.Campbell 52.30 I see best for her 52.50, but good enough to secure a spot on relay but individual maybe out of question, but what a great servant for the Aussies.
Harris 52.65 Huge PB, why not.
Wunsch 52.79 Massive PB if she swims this fast, lets hope so.
Wilson 52.90 maybe on the way… Read more »

Last edited 7 months ago by Robbos
Reply to  Dan_tm
7 months ago

Imagine going 52 and missing selection.

Circle swim
7 months ago

Best of luck to Cate. No matter what happens at trials, she has had an awesome career.

7 months ago

My Mom asked me to clear the sink of dirty dishes.

She screamed down the stairs: “did you clean the dishes?”

I smiled and screamed “Cate Campbell”

My Mom cried tears of joy, she knew they were washed

Reply to  Andrew
7 months ago

Sorry how many USA swimmers swam faster than Cate did in the first half of this year? …… in her comeback year when she’s only been training for a few months. Maybe Douglas ?

Reply to  Andrew
7 months ago

Oh, Andrew! *hugs him* It’s all gonna be okay.

Reply to  Andrew
7 months ago

When your fastest 100 freestyler isnt a breaststroker, let me know 🤣

7 months ago

We could have a fantastic time like 52.15 out of the top 2 in Aussie Trials…SICK.

About Retta Race

Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having just earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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