2013 Big East Men’s Fan Guide: Notre Dame Trying to Defend, With a New Rules Twist
Louisville’s Joao de Lucca (above) will show down with Notre Dame’s Frank Dyer in the best race of this year’s Big East Championship meet. (Photo Courtesy: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Stories from the Pool, Jason Lezak, Part One World Premiere
Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures
23-Time CIS Champ Erica Morningstar Taking a Break, At Least, From the Pool
Calgary’s Erica Morningstar is one of the most decorated Canadian collegiate swimmers in history. (Stock Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Terakawa Breaks Japanese Record in Continued Focus on Shorter Backstrokes
Aya Terakawa gave up the 200 backstroke in a head-scratching decision last year, but the move has paid off so far. (File photo courtesy: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Sanity Reigns at Cal-Stanford and Other Stories from College Swimming
Chris DeSantis tells us why it’s better that there were no jaw dropping times at the Cal/Stanford men’s meet. (Photo Courtesy © Tim Binning, TheSwimPictures.com)
2013 ACC Men’s Championship Fan Guide: Virginia on Upset Alert As Conference Deepens
The Virginia Cavaliers are on a 5-meet win streak at the ACC Championships, but their in-state rivals could end that this season. (Photo: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
The CIS Swimming Championships Photo Vault
Photo Credit: David Moll / University of Calgary
Brits Release World Championship Trials Standards
British Swimming has announced the qualifying standards for their 2013 World Championship Trials. (Stock Photo: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Stories from the Pool: Jason Lezak Teaser
Watch the world premiere documentary film here on SwimSwam at 4pm ET! “Stories from the Pool: Jason Lezak Part One” …
SPIRE Institute designated U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Training Site
“SPIRE Swimming, under the direction of Head Coach Jim Bocci, a highly respected developer of talent, is on a mission to set a new standard in the world of swim training and competition.”
Cal/Stanford Sharpen the Blades for Next Week’s Pac-12 Meet
The conference championships don’t get to have all of the fun today. Cal-Stanford will meet for one last tuneup before Pac 12’s begin a week from now. (File Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Photo Vault: ACC Parents Go Crazy for Swimming
Virginia fans go all-out to support their 6-straight-seasons of ACC Championships. (Credit: Tim Binning/TheSwimPictures.com)
Gettysburg College Men & Women Sweep Centenial Conference for Third Straight Year
Centennial Conference Championships Day 3- Gettysburg College Men and Women Sweep Centennial Conference for Third Straight Year. Gettysburg College completed…
Urisnus College, Gettysburg Out Front After Day 2 at 2013 Centennial Championships
Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures
Conway Girls Break Bentonville Streak; Bentonville Wins 9th-Straight HS Title in Arkansas
The Conway High School girls celebrate their State Championship on Saturday at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock. (Credit: Corey Coon-Cassily)