More Insight from National Team Open Water Swimmers

Mike Lewis
by Mike Lewis 2

June 21st, 2013 News

Here’s another perspective on open water swimming from national team member Eva Fabian.   Fabian will be a member of Team USA’s squad at the 2013 FINA World Championships were she’ll be swimming the 25K.


What’s the biggest difference between open water swimmers and pool swimmers?

I think the only difference is if you have a love for open water! There are so many versatile and talented athletes like Haley Anderson that compete at the highest level in both pool and open water, and I think the two complement each other well.

What’s you’re #1 “rookie” mistake that you’ve made in your open water career?

The #1 rookie mistake I’ve made was during the 10K at Worlds in Roberval in 2010. Poliana Okimoto of Brazil and I were in the lead at the 9600 and because of the waves we could not see one of the directional buoys. We missed it and were disqualified from the race. I was extremely disappointed that I was not able to represent my country at the finish.

Is there a different vibe at the start of an open water race versus standing behind the blocks before a pool race?

The start of open water races can be very intense at international races. There is usually a 5-10 min countdown on the dock, and there are athletes shouting in different languages, or just jockeying for position, and trying to focus before an intense competition.

What’s the most insane set you’ve ever done in preparation for an open water race?

The most insane set I’ve ever done was 30x1000s, the Erik Vendt set. It took 6 hours and was incredibly mentally difficult.

Where’s the most interesting place you’ve swam open water?

I’ve been fortunate to swim in some amazing places, like Rome and the Cayman Islands! I am extremely excited to compete in Barcelona this summer.

What are you thinking about during a 10K race?

The 10k is a fascinating race because it is so tactical and there are so many different ways to approach it. I love the mental aspect of the sport.

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11 years ago

I am curious why Fabian always tries to lead these races. It doesn’t seem strategically the wisest move. Does anyone have any insight on this?

11 years ago

I read first 30×100 and thought it isn’t bad. Probably eyes want to see regular things. Then I realized there is three zeros: 30×1000 :). Okay, that is insane and no matter about the speed, it is insane in any case.

In Barcelona the course seems to stay within the harbour area. No danger of waves hindering the visibility.

About Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis is a freelance commercial, sport and lifestyle photographer based in San Diego.  Mike began making photos in the early 80’s and immersed himself in all aspects of the photographic arts.  Mike’s professional career in in photography began after 12 years working within the United States Olympic movement; he …

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