Michael Andrew, at age 14, already stands 6 feet 4 inches tall. Doctors assume he will be at least 6 feet 6 inches tall. He broke two more National Age Group records tonight, now owning a total of 34 of them, for all age groups.

Michael Andrew, 2013 MN Grand Prix, after breaking the 100 butterfly NAG Record! (courtesy of Melissa Lundie)
One has to love how he imagines a time, and goes that time – mental power. He shares the power of mind and God.
He told me he has always admired Michael Phelps, and how the amount of medals he has earned is “unbelievable”, and he hopes for one in Rio 😉
Michael is a charismatic, vivacious, young man – what a pleasure to watch him continue to further his already stellar career.
Check out what else he has to say, in the video.
For more information on the records he set today:
Katrina Radke is an Olympic Swimmer, Sport Psychology Professor, Bestselling Author of Be Your Best Without the Stress, and 7 Ultimate Fitness Routines. She also runs a motivational, peak potential business, WECOACH4U with her husband, Olympic Coach and former Stanford Coach, Ross Gerry.
To keep in touch with Katrina:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/katrinaradke_
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website: www.katrinaradke.com, and www.wecoach4u.com
and of course he can’t withhold mentioning god in another interview… solid swims though.
Liquid.. instead of focusing only of his age.. we should never forget his body might already match the bodies of guys like Schneider and Cielo (on height at least.. don´t know of weight) so even being 14 year old.. his body is at least of a 18 19 year old guy.. we can´t say he will become phelpsian before he put up LCM times to back that up… many guys who became tall soon made crazy times.. but in the end much of these groupers did not reached world sucess..
And to be considered a phelps (Or Thorpe) level phenomenon he should be able by 15 16 to match World Records…
“The power of mind and God” is redundant, since “God”, for the purposes of a swimming journalist, is simply a mental technique. But one that works for this guy! 55.9 is crazy for a 14 yr old. Although he was already the top breastroker for his age group, breast appears to be his most improved stroke; and his fly/breast prowess is the combination necessary for a formidable IM’er. This kid is becoming Phelpsian.