Go In-depth with Swim Coach Dan Bullock
Dan has been coaching since 1990. He is a swimmer, former triathlete and now open water swimmer and coach. He has helped thousands get fit for adventures from their first novice Triathlon to swimming the English Channel.
Shout from the Stands: What we learn from Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps can teach us so much about swimming, sports in general, and reaching your fullest potential. He shows us that you don’t have to be perfect to be the best.
Remembering Nebraska Swimmer Jon Nelson
Jon came from Storm Lake, Iowa as a :54 second hundred freestyler and ended his career as the team captain of one of the best men’s teams in the country.
Master the The Pullup for Your Swim Strength Program
You are about to master the Pullup. If you have followed the progression to this point, you are in a good place to perform pullups without any help.
5 Unfortunate Swim Meet Moments
Swim meets are always fodder for some sort of folly or story. With many swimmers making a career of swimming for life, most of these moments are sure to have happened once to them or to someone they know.
Learn the Assisted Chinup for Your Swim Strength Program
The Assisted Chinup progresses the body weight pull from a horizontal pull to a vertical pull. This naturally increases the difficulty of the movement.
Learn the Inverted Row for Your Swim Strength Program
The Supine Row, or Inverted Row as it is often referred to, adds a body weight pulling movement to the progression.
Learn the Supine Row Hold for Your Swim Strength Program
The Supine Row Hold is an isometric exercise that is a great follow-up to the Band Bent-Over Neck Pull.
Five Fresh Starts to a New Season of Swim Parenting
We’re coming up on a new swim season. Our kids have had a couple weeks off and we’ve enjoyed a short summer vacation. School is starting up and it’s time for our kids to jump back into the pool.
5 Chemistry Lessons Every Swimmer Should Know
For student swimmers, back-to-school also means heading back to the pool. Here’s five swimming-related chemistry lessons to kick off the back-to-school season.
Learn the Band-Bent Over Neck Pull for Your Swim Strength Program
Today we are introducing the Band-Bent Over Neck Pull. This is a good starting point in the body weight pullup progression as it negates the effect of gravity.
A Swim Mom Bucket List for a New Season
Bucket lists are all the rage these days, so here is my version for swim moms (and dads).
I’m a College Swim Parent; Now What Do I Do?
Your child is 18 years old, a graduate from high school and ready to start his/her next chapter hundreds of miles away from you. What do you do now?
Learn The Barbell Back Squat for Your Swim Strength Program
With the added load of the bar on your back, focus on your balance, especially on the downward movement of the squat.