The History of Swimwear
“Wool was virtually the only fiber that was available. While cotton was a booming business at the time it creates a denser fiber than wool and does not have any of wool’s natural water-repelling capabilities.” (Image: Buster Crabbe, 1932 Olympic gold medalist, 400m freestyle)
Becca Mann blogs (and videos) USRPT, Day 3
On day 3, Becca Mann is back with some video footage of USRPT in action, plus her thoughts on its viability as a training strategy.
Becca Mann Blogs USRPT, Day 2
Becca Mann has now completed two days of USRPT, and has answers to some of your questions!
How To Improve Stroke Cycles to Predict Closing Speed
“One of the most intriguing topics in my research has been freestyle stroke pulling indices (tempo, stroke length, cycle count), and its ability to predict the closing speed of eilte swimmers.”
How Strength Training Affects Start & Turn Performances
The best ways to improve start and turn performances are found on land simply because one can manipulate force and power variables for optimal gains in explosiveness. Plyometric training for swimmers has shown drastic improvements for swimmers. (Featured Image: Jason Lezak)
What is the Head Strong Posture Trainer?
Have you heard of the Head Strong Posture Trainer but are not really sure what it is, what it does, and how it can make you a faster swimmer? Watch this short video and have all of your questions answered!
How Cesar Cielo Overcame Surgery on Both Knees, Swimmer Strength
October 2012, Cesar Cielo underwent surgery on both knees. The recovery was long and arduous, robbing Cesar of a quality training. Cesar had to find a way to quickly regain his leg strength while continuing to rehabilitate his knees.
Mark Spitz featured in dramatic HBO documentary
Mark Spitz, who is Jewish, became the greatest athlete on earth less than 30 years after World War II, after Nazi Germany fell.
At US Winter Nationals Kids Received Elite Swimmer’s Medals
Tennessee Aquatics Coach Marshall Goldman: “After witnessing what I saw behind the scenes from all of the swimmers and coaches…I was left speechless and an even bigger fan of the sport to which I’ve been a lifelong fan.”
Swim Like A Champion, Not your Typical Instructional Video Series
Since Saturday, December 7th, a lot of elite swimmers have been tweeting and posting cryptic messages to Facebook, teasing that something is coming soon. That something is out, the Swim A Like Champion Video Series courtesy of the Fitter and Faster Tour presented by
An Open Letter, An Open Life: Dick Shoulberg
Courtesy of Chuck Warner, author, coach, and former president of the American Swimming Coaches Association.
Tony Tuesdays: Being in the Zone
Azevedo: “One of questions I am asked most often is how to best prepare for important games, and knowing how to get in the zone is essential. For me, “being in the zone” is playing consistently well, doing whatever it takes to win, and playing selflessly for the team.”
6 Secrets of Open Water Swimming
Video is courtesy of Marietta “Mary” Uhle and TriSolutions.
Lessons From Legends: Swimming Traditions
Most swimmers of high school and college age participate in the tradition of shaving down at the end of a season, perhaps getting a special hair cut, making posters and maybe eating a traditional pre-race meal.
Eve and Candace on: Michael Phelps Comeback
Eve and Candace are the world’s number one swimming fans and reporters on all aspect of swim lifestyle content.