
Swim Training: In Defense of Drills

Gary Hall Sr.: “Since it takes place in a medium some 800 times denser than air, swimming could arguably claim to be the most technique-sensitive sport out there.”


Burning Skin or Itching at Swim Meets

“Unfortunately for the swimmers, chlorine side-effects are the worst at swim meets. Because of increased chlorine, swimmers are exposed to higher levels of chlorine during meets.”


HardCore Swim of the Week: Michael Phelps finds his statement swim in Athens

A big comeback swim has been missing, a headline-grabbing time that would really put the world on notice. In Athens this weekend, Phelps made his statement with a 51.67 in the 100 fly.


3 Ways to Improve Your Relay Starts in Swimming

Racing in a group of 4 teammates is the closest swimming gets to feeling like a true team sport. In order to succeed, relay members need to not only have flawless starts, but also perfect timing with their teammate’s finish.


Swim Training: How to Gain a Balanced Underwater Kick

A key ingredient of a successful underwater kick is a proper coordination between the movements of the head, chest, hips and feet. Without a balance between all movements of the body a swimmer sacrifices speed, strength and efficiency in underwater kicking.

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Beautiful Barbados Plays Host to International Championship Swim Meets

The next Open Water event on the calendar is the Barbados Open Water Festival scheduled for November 2nd 2014 in Carlisle Bay (1.5km & 5km races) and open to all swimmers from recreational to elite.

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Brazil Passes Test in World Cup Safety, Security; See You in 2016, Rio

Brazil is on the right track toward 2016. With safety measures proven, the focus can now turn to the construction and legacy for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games.

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5 Fun Facts About The 2014 FINA Diving World Cup

160 divers from 28 countries compete at the 19th FINA Diving World Cup July 15-20th.

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5 sessions, 5 suits. Do you switch suits to suit your session?

Do you mix it up or keep it consistent through the week?


3 Ways to Improve your Breath Control

All swimmers can benefit from improving their breath control—whether it helps you hold your head down in the final meters of a race or it enables you to go further underwater off each wall.


How to achieve Early Vertical Forearm

Brian Bolster, Head Coach of Osprey Aquatics, wanted to tackle the issue of Early Vertical Forearm (EVF) and succeeded spectacularly with the development of the Bolster Paddles.

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The Top 7 Most Awesome Bubble Rings Videos

Swimmers blowing bubble rings should be an Olympic event!

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Inspiration and Perspective from someone late to the Michael Phelps Fan Party

My sister makes fun of me for my late-to-the-party interest in Michael Phelps. Back in 2007 – 08, when he was breaking world records, dominating the sport and eating up space on magazine covers, he barely registered with me. I don’t know how I managed such ignorant bliss; we were on the University of Michigan campus at the same time


Open Letter: Air Quality From a Pool Owner’s Perspective

An open letter from Bob McCallister, Cobb County Aquatics Manager, to all owners, operators, and users of indoor pools. (Featured Image: Mountain View Aquatic Center)

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College Recruiting: What to Do if You Don’t Get Phone Calls on July 1

You are a high school senior and it is the evening of July 1 and the phone hasn’t been ringing, what do you do?

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