Mental Health

Shouts from the Stands: Not Tired

Few could understand how an incredible team atmosphere was built on the two words – “NOT TIRED.”


Getting Focused on the Process with Florida State Swimming

Hey folks! I just got back from Clearwater, FL where I spent the past 4 days working on location with…

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Micah Sumrall Finds Inspiration in Allison Schmitt (Video)

After taking a break post-Rio, she’s made her comeback in full swing, winning by over a second in 2:22.06


Allison Schmitt Explains How Swimming Saved Her Life (Video)

Allison Schmitt cemented her comeback with a 1:55.82 for 2nd last night, and explained how swimming has been such an instrumental part of her mental health journey

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Letting Go of Expectations

Is it better to go into a meet expecting certain results or not expecting certain results? Is it beneficial to approach competition expecting yourself to achieve a specific outcome or to let go of expectations altogether?


How to Not Let Expectations Crush You

In this video, I talk about the ways which you can best approach handling expectations so that they don’t crush down on you and negatively affect your ability to perform in the pool.

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Embracing the Mindset of a Summer League Swimmer

You’re 7 years old, and your alarm sounds at 8:30AM on a sunny summer day. You eagerly hop out of…


5 Ways To Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Growth and progress doesn’t come from staying where you feel comfortable. That only happens outside of your comfort zone.

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Béryl Gastaldell: “Happy to still be alive” after bout with depression

Béryl Gastaldello told the French sports daily newspaper l’Equipe about the deep depression she went through in her final season at Texas A&M.


Mental Health for Coaches: Creating an Active Lifestyle

Coaching is a demanding job and can drain your physical, mental and emotional energy. One way to restore that energy is through exercise.


You Have To Have Fun

Sometimes, having an intense desire for something can actually be a bad thing.

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Do We Do Enough To Support Our Minds?

We spend hours in the pool and on land training our bodies to be the best that we can, but do we pay enough attention to the biggest influence on our performance, our mind-set.

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SAMHI Changing Athletes Lives Through Their Campus Team Program

The Student-Athlete Mental Health Initiative is a Canadian non-profit organization that was formed to increase awareness and education around student-athletes’ mental health…

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Mental Health for Athletes: A Meditation of Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance can seem a bit counter-intuitive for athletes. This meditation is to help athlete’s begin to accept themselves fully and whole-heartedly…

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Swimming with Siblings: Rivalry vs. Camaraderie

From Elizabeth Wickham: “4 Tips For Parents About Sibling Rivalry” As the oldest in my family, I have seen and…