The month of March picks up the pace in terms of high-level international meets with swimmers vying for opportunities to not only sharpen up their in-season racing but also for the chance to potentially clock qualifying times for this summer’s World Aquatics Swimming World Championships.
The Pro Swim Series kicks off in Westmont while Australia has multiple championships events on their nation’s calendar.
Asia is going full-throttle, with Korea, China and Japan each hosting its World Championships Trials meet this month.
As always, let me know in the comments of any meets I may have inadvertently missed.
03/04 – 03/08 Spanish Open Spring Championships (ESP)
03/05 – 03/08 Pro Swim Series Westmont (USA)
03/06 – 03/08 U Sports Swimming Championships (CAN)
03/06 – 03/10 South Australian Age Swimming Championships (AUS)
03/07 – 03/09 Brisbane Senior Metro Championships (AUS)
03/07 – 03/08 Baltic States Championships (EST)
03/07 – 03/09 CIJ Meet (LUX)
03/07 – 03/09 6th International Edirne Cup and Turkiye Youth-Junior and Open Age Long Course Team Selection (TUR)
03/07 – 03/09 City of Sheffield Premier Open Meet (GBR)
03/08 – 03/10 Victorian Metro LC Championships (AUS)
03/13 – 03/15 Danish LC Championships (DEN)
03/14 – 03/16 Edinburgh International Swim Meet (GBR)
03/14 – 03/16 Swedish Grand Prix (SWE)
03/15 – 03/16 National Prep Meet (AUS)
03/15 – 03/18 National Open LC Championships (TTO)
03/15 – 03/16 PGE Grand Prix Puchar Polski 1 (POL)
03/17 – 03/24 Chinese Nationals (CHN)
03/18 – 03/23 55th Singapore National Age Group Swimming Championships (SGP)
03/18 – 03/23 Chinese Spring Championships (CHN)
03/20 – 03/23 Japan Swim (JPN)
03/21 – 03/23 NSW State Open Championships (AUS)
03/22 – 03/24 Livorno City Meeting (ITA)
03/22 – 03/23 43rd International HiPoint Meeting (SUI)
03/23 – 03/28 Korean Swimming Championships (KOR)
03/27 – 03/30 47th National Junior Olympic Cup Spring Tournament (JPN)
03/28 – 03/29 Antwerp Diamond Speedo Race (BEL)
03/28 – 03/30 Bulgarian National Team Open Championships (BUL)
03/28 – 03/30 Linköping Water Games (SWE)
03/29 – 03/30 International Swim Meet Maribor (SLO)
it looks like some aussies will be joining the first two legs of the pro series…
Based on what?
ss shared on insta; assuming the entire rackley group is heading to elevation with pro series bookends
Got a link to the post or was it a story?
the gangs all coming! it seems max is still training w the rackley group in some capacity; no tommy though 🙁
Max had his big breakthrough last time he raced in the US. 🧐 Should be fun. Gonna be a busy couple of months for them if they’re doing the second one as well and then nationals in April.
Thanks for the heads up.
The season is finally kicking into gear!
I want to see Ceccon compete in Australia, one of the most versatile swimmers that exist
Maybe he’ll compete at NSW Open otherwise I doubt he will.
I had understood that Australia’s top swimmers come to that championship every year, it is usually the first of the year for St Peter Western, so I hope to see a great competition.
The Chinese Trials (Chinese Nats) will be held on May 17-24 in Shenzen. The Chinese Spring Champs is a preparation meet and, for instance, Pan Zhanle won’t be swimming.
Finally some decent lcm racing!
03/13 – 03/15 Danish LC Championships (DEN) is really two regional championships.