Guillherme Guido Doesn’t Think Resting Often Takes Away From Big Competitions


  • Saturday, November 23 – Sunday, November 24, 2019
  • 5:00-7:00 PM Local Time (12:00 noon – 2:00 PM, U.S. Eastern Time)
  • London Aquatics Centre – London, England
  • Short Course Meters (SCM) format
  • European franchises: Aqua Centurions, Energy Standard, Iron, London Roar
  • Start Lists
  • Day 1 Complete Results (with Corrected MVP Standings)
  • Day 2 Complete Results

Reported by Spencer Penland.


1. Evgeny Rylov – ENS – 49.75
2. Guilherme Guido – LON – 49.86
3. Kliment Kolesnikov – ENS – 50.79
4. Christian Diener – LON – 50.83
5. Robert Glinta – IRO – 51.17
6. Simone Sabbioni – AQC – 51.38
7. Apostolos Christou – AQC – 51.68
8. Richard Bohus – IRO – 51.78

Evgeny Rylov never fails to impress, speeding home unbelievably fast off the last turn, overtaking Guido, who appeared to have built up an insurmountable lead. He gave Energy standard a much needed event win, and Kliment Kolesnikov cemented the race for ENS, touching 3rd. Christian Diener was keeping up with Guido early on, but faded, or rather was overtaken, to 4th on the last 50 meters.

Energy Standard continues to carry the momentum as Rylov successfully took out Roar’s Guido for the last backstroke title. Thanks to Russian countryman Kolesnikov, Energy earned a 15-point swing. While Glinta/Bohus went 5-8 in this event, it tied with the Centurions’ 6-7 finish.

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5 years ago

I’ll save my opinion on this until after Tokyo

Casas 100 back gold in Tokyo
5 years ago

Still can’t beat an unrested Rylov.

Reply to  Casas 100 back gold in Tokyo
5 years ago

Ohhhh thats a crappy one

5 years ago

We’re witnessing the latest big change in training for elite swimmers, no more year long periodisation, no more hours and hours of garbage yardage and racing all these meet actually count as legit training.

Reply to  Olympian
5 years ago

We will see who he the better Olympic Games. Caeleb Dressel or Michael Andrew

Reply to  Pvdh
5 years ago

I mean… yeah but believe it or not (and this might shock you a bit) the sport of swimming is not only about the American team and/or “Caeleb Dressel vs the world”.
I could also use a pretty consistent list of olympians who use the methods I’ve mentioned above, but your reply doesn’t really tells me you wanna have a serious conversation about the matter.

Reply to  Olympian
5 years ago

Stand by your statement. We will see who performs better.

Reply to  Pvdh
5 years ago

Then you clearly didn’t understand my statement, read it again.

Reply to  Olympian
5 years ago

@olympian, I hear you loud and clear

Mr Piano
Reply to  Olympian
5 years ago

Yo can we chill? This is just a comment section lol

Reply to  Mr Piano
5 years ago

From all people I didn’t expect this from you @MRPIANO LOL

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Olympian
5 years ago

I think PVDH is arguing the point (as I would), that we’re not talking about Olympians (hell, there are a lot of forgettable Olympians), we’re talking about the best of the best. What are the best of the best showing us? With rare exceptions thus far (basically Hosszu), frequent racing doesn’t win WCs and Olympic golds. It’ll win you a lot of ISL MVPs and World Cup points, but it’s not what anyone who one a WC this past time (except Katinka and maybe Rylov) did.

Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
5 years ago

There are a few more than just Katinka, obviously she’s the easiest to point as an example for those who are not familiar with the different (forgettable) athletes and programs. Also the “forgettable” tells me we still have a long way to go when it comes to make swimming a professional sport, attract attention of the broad audience and make swimmers into household names.
And for last but not least… I was talking about “elite” swimmers, which I consider to be pretty much everyone who makes their nationals teams… That seems pretty elite to me.

Reply to  Pvdh
5 years ago

A whole sample size of 2.

Reply to  Pvdh
5 years ago

Have you considered it’s horses for courses?

I loved training, found it endlessly fascinating to make little tweaks to my stroke and see the differences it made. I enjoyed racing, but used to get quite wound up beforehand, so meets drained me emotionally more than back to back 6k sessions ever could physically.

By contrast, many of my team mates lived to race. Without regular meets reminding them why they trained, they found they lost focus at training more easily and slipped into unthinking ploughing up and down, truly garbage yardage.

Of the “elites” on our team (individual NCAA finalists), I’d say two thirds were “racers” rather than “trainers”.

Fraser Thorpe
Reply to  Togger
5 years ago

I was the same. In fact I achieved several PBs in training…

Texas Tap Water
Reply to  Pvdh
5 years ago

And Katinka Hosszu raced the most in 2015-2016 and yet individually she is the most successful swimmer in Rio (3 golds, 1 silver)

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Texas Tap Water
5 years ago

But she should have had 4 golds, don’t you think?

Coach nobody
Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
5 years ago

How many do you have @Ol’ Longhorn?

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Olympian
5 years ago

Agree that all the racing counts as legit training, but with the repeated failures of incredible talents/race-all-the-timers at the biggest events (Sjostrom, MA, Vlad, to name a few obvious ones — see last WCs), one has to wonder if it’s the best way to the prize, especially when you see the infrequent racers (Simone, Dressel, to name two obvious direct comparisons) cleaning their clocks at the big meets. The male and female GOATS (Phelps and Ledecky) were infrequent racers. Peaty, infrequent racer. Sun Yang, Milak (for the most part), Seto, Regan Smith, Lily King all are relatively infrequent racers. And Lochte has re-embraced “garbage yards” after knocking it when he left Troy for Marsh. Racing all the time calls for… Read more »

Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
5 years ago

Peaty doesn’t race much over winter, but he races every fortnight or so in long course season. Seto also a pretty regular racer (albeit mainly domestically, so he might train through meets a lot).

Is world record holder, Olympic champion and eight time world champion Sjostrom a “repeated failure”? MA’s only been to one major world meet, he can’t be a repeated failure by definition.

I think the heavy travelling of World Cups takes a toll, but I don’t think racing lots closer to home harms some swimmers. Phelps and Ledecky were huge trainers, but they are the freak de la freak not everyone’s body can hold up to that kind of workload (see how some Florida swimmers… Read more »

Reply to  Olympian
5 years ago

For my kids, I once had the ability to bulk up on practices about 3 weeks before a meet, continue 2 weeks before, then eliminate morning practices and dryland beginning about 3 days before a meet. They responded every well. It takes away very little from overall training. But what coach wants to hear such things from a parent … zero.

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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