What goes through your mind during swim practice?

“The water looks so cold. I can’t do it. You go first.”

“I honestly don’t even know what that warm up was.”

*checks clock*

“Oh, we got this. First round wasn’t so bad.”

“Are you kidding me coach? These intervals are impossible.”

“I can’t move my arms anymore. How mad do you think coach will get if I just stop at the other side?”

*checks clock* how has it only been a half hour???

“One more. One more round. Just push through.”

“My arms have never hurt so badly in my life. That was child abuse.”

“Wait, so we left on the 30 so we have to be back by the 50?”

“Math is too hard I didn’t sign up for this”

*tries to think of a fake reason to leave*


*checks clock*

“Only a half hour left. I got this. Then I can go home and eat my entire kitchen. Just gotta get through.”

“I wonder what’s in there right now?”

“Maybe some cliff bars. Or power bars. Or donuts. Or cake.”

“Oh, crap. What lap are we even on? Guess I’ll just follow everyone else.”

“Why do I even do this sport?”

“Thank god. Warm down. The faster I do warm down the sooner I can leave.”

“Oh wait but I can’t move my arms.”

“I’ll just go really slow so people can lap me and I don’t have to do all of it.”

“I finished. Look at me. I’m really glad I did that practice.”

“Oh my god I have to do this again tomorrow.”

What goes through your mind during swim practice?

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Jacinto Cordero
9 years ago

Now that I am getting older, I think the pool is getting longer

David Keller
9 years ago

I remember songs stuck in my mind. Sometimes they could be the last one I heard on the way to practice which could be bad. Eating afterwards. Always what will I eat later. I still can’t dive into a pool before noon til this day. Too cold of a way to start the day. Loved every minute of it though. Gamecock Swimming, retired 1984……

Pink Pete
9 years ago

Hi Swim swam swimming is what u make it . I love the sport . It is sport you like it or not . You put your self into a positive mood

About Bryana Cielo

Bryana Cielo

Bryana Cielo Shortly after Bryana Cielo’s birth, she developed her love of water at her family beach house–and hasn’t stopped since. At the conclusion of her swim lessons at age 7, it was recommended that she try out for the local summer swim team. After her first season, she won the …

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