Gary Hall Jr. Discusses Possible Cure For Type 1 Diabetes (Video)

In a brief forty-three second video, former three-time Olympic swimmer Gary Hall Jr. gives a testimony on his type 1 Diabetes diagnosis from seventeen years ago and his long-term efforts advocating for a possible cure. The five-time Olympic gold medalist first became aware of his condition in preparation for the Sydney Olympic Games and since then has traveled across America encouraging children of the coming cure for disease. Type 1 Diabetes prevents the pancreas organ from producing insulin, the necessary hormone used to move glucose from the bloodstream into the sugar-requiring cells of the body, a predicament for any able-bodied person or an Olympic caliber athlete such as Hall Jr. to cope with.

Hall Jr. points out ever since he was promised a cure within ten years of his diagnosis and his constant support for an impending cure to America’s youth that he’s struggled with that message. Now he’s given his full attention to the plausible medical ability of cellular therapy being able to provide the cure that he and so many others have been waiting for. Partnering with the Stem for Life Foundation, a medical organization who promotes the acceleration of cellular therapy practices, Hall Jr. hopes to fulfill those promises by using what cellular therapy has to offer.

As defined by the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, cell therapy is the administration of live whole cells or maturation of a specific cell population in a patient for the treatment of a disease, with treatment strategies including isolation and transfer of specific stem cell populations, administration of effector cells, induction of mature cells to become pluripotent cells, and reprogramming of mature cells.




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Percy Vere
8 years ago

Swimming is a tough sport. Swimming, with Type 1 diabetes, makes it even tougher. No – one, not the coaches, not other swimmers, not even the swimmer’s parents, can possibly understand the physical, as well as, emotional effects that Type 1 can have on a swimmer. Kudos to the athletes who continue to strive to work hard and not give up. Praying to God for a cure.

Swimmingly Tracy
Reply to  Percy Vere
7 years ago

My son is type 1 and still swimming!
Swimming helps keep his BG under control!

Ashu Gadi
8 years ago

My son aged 24 yrs, is suffering from type 1 diabetics. In case of any cure please advise asap.

8 years ago

I’ve had type 1 sense I was 12 and my daughter is 10 and diagnosed last July with type 1. I’m sure as a parent if Jesus was a diabetic. God would be willing to try and find a cure. No matter what it takes.

The Screaming Viking!
8 years ago

Go to and search “type 1.” Carbohydrate reduction or elimination is not promoted enough in discussions of diabetes. Do the same search for “type 2.” Then do it again at /r/ketoscience. If anyone you care about has diabetes please let them see the evidence and at least talk to their doctor about giving it a shot. Some of the standard advice given to diabetics just seems insane. Gary, I love that you have taken up this cause. I am curious to hear your thoughts on the ketogenic diet and I wonder if you have any experience with it…

Cynthia mae Curran
8 years ago

Well, I have pre-diabetes II. So, hopefully there is a cure tor that as well.

Reply to  Cynthia mae Curran
8 years ago

Diet and exercise…

Also gastric bypass but thats a little overkill.

Percy Vere
Reply to  BYoung001
8 years ago

If it was as simple as that for Type 1 diabetics, then we wouldn’t need athletes like Olympic swimmer, Gary Hall Jr, championing for a cure

Cynthia mae Curran
8 years ago

Well, I have pre-diabetes II. So, hopefully there is a cure tor that as well.

Irish Ringer
Reply to  Cynthia mae Curran
8 years ago

Hard to say. With type II diabetes at least you have a chance in many cases to take corrective actions with diet and exercise since your pancreas still produces insulin, just not enough to handle the carb/sugar intake. I know that’s not 100% of the cases, but a good many of them. Type I your pancreas creates no insulin so no matter what you have to take insulin injections. The pancreas has basically shutdown and no longer functions.

Two different causes, but maybe this could treat both of them.

8 years ago

Note that embryonic stem cells are a dead end. They are talking about adult cells curing things here.

Once an organization trying to cure something brings up embryonic stem cell cures, that organization is immediately boycotted by the religious right.

Lane Four
Reply to  Anonymous
8 years ago

Then let them boycott.

Lane Four
Reply to  Lane Four
8 years ago

I could care less about the religious right.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 years ago

Is there a religious left or a religious centre?If I go buddhist where will.I end up ?

About Stephen Parsons

Stephen Parsons

Stephen's swimming journey has taken him all across the Southeastern United States. Starting out at the Flowood, MS based Sunkist Swim Team, he made the transition to Auburn, AL where he competed the remainder of his high school years with Auburn Aquatics. His college career began at Daytona State College under the …

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