Famous Pitchman Anthony Sullivan Teams up with U.S. Masters Swimming

Anthony Sullivan, star of the Discovery Channel’s “PitchMen” series and renowned spokesperson for OxiClean, Stick-Up Bulbs, Swivel Sweepers, and other beloved products, has teamed up with U.S. Masters Swimming.

Sullivan recently joined forces with USMS to promote the fitness, health, and social benefits of the sport he loves. In a fun 2-minute direct response commercial performed in a way that only Anthony Sullivan can, he pronounces swimming: “The Greatest Workout of Them All.”

Sullivan, who swam at the national level in his native England, returned to the sport in 2013 and competed in both the 2015 and 2016 Nationwide USMS Spring National Championships.

“Getting back in the pool and swimming again has been the best thing for my body, mind, and spirit,” explains Anthony. “Teaming up with U.S. Masters Swimming is the perfect way for me to share this great sport and its benefits with others. The camaraderie and social benefits of being on a swim team are amazing, and competing at the national level and placing again is icing on the cake!”

USMS CEO Dawson Hughes says the organization is excited about and grateful for Sullivan’s involvement: “The time and resources he’s dedicated to this project reflect the passion and enthusiasm our members have for our sport-they’re our greatest spokespeople. We’re fortunate to have a professional pitchman to channel their enthusiasm for our programs and invite potential members to join USMS.”

Swimming’s universally recognized health benefits are the envy of other sports: superior core strength, reduced stress, increased cardiovascular and respiratory health, improved flexibility, and much more. And its low-impact nature makes it truly a lifelong sport. Swimming with a group offers social benefits second to none, and most USMS programs include swimmers of all ability levels.

Anyone age 18 or older interested in joining a Masters Swimming program can get more information by following the “Learn More” link on the front page at usms.org

Swimming news release and video is courtesy of US Masters Swimming.

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Years of Plain Suck
8 years ago

I hope Sullivan did this “pro bono.”

The US Masters magazine sucks. I wish I didn’t have to pay for it. I’ve asked USMS headquarters if I could stop receiving the magazine if they would drop my annual dues by $20. They said “no.” If USMS is going to have a magazine, it should be online (no more of their slick paper) to reduce annual dues. They are stuck with a 1980s mindset.

Reply to  Years of Plain Suck
8 years ago

Tough life

USMS fan
Reply to  Years of Plain Suck
8 years ago

Really? I enjoy their magazine and read it from cover to cover. Perhaps i enjoy it more since i know many in the organization and many of the swimmers involved

Reply to  USMS fan
8 years ago

exactly. the average swimmer could not care less and the dues keep going up. US masters water polo is even worse. Why is it that these organizations are run like third world countries? They ALL suck bigtime and if I were to run a business like these CEO’s do, I would be booted by the board in the first month. It really is pathetic and masters programs here SUCK when compared to australia and eurpoean counterparts. USA is basically in a nosedive imho…kinda like Lochte.

Dave Rollins
8 years ago

This is 100% amazing. Good work USMS!

Bo swims
Reply to  Dave Rollins
8 years ago

19:40 in the 1650 at USMS for Sullivan.

About Gold Medal Mel Stewart

Gold Medal Mel Stewart

MEL STEWART Jr., aka Gold Medal Mel, won three Olympic medals at the 1992 Olympic Games. Mel's best event was the 200 butterfly. He is a former World, American, and NCAA Record holder in the 200 butterfly. As a writer/producer and sports columnist, Mel has contributed to Yahoo Sports, Universal Sports, …

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