Emory Wins 2022 DIII Men’s Swimming And Diving Championships


The Emory University men’s team won their second overall NCAA Division DIII Swimming And Diving Championships this Saturday, and their first national title since 2017. They scored a total of 427.5 points and beat second-place finisher Johns Hopkins by 87.5 points. By comparison, they scored 438 points in 2017 and beat runners-up Kenyon by 85 points.

Although the Eagles only had one individual champion, Jason Hamilton in the 200 breast, their team has incredible depth. They had a total of 14 A-final finishes and 16 B-Final finishes and won two relays: the 200 medley relay and the 800 free relay. In addition, their 800 free relay was a new DIII national record, as Pat Pema (1:37.42), Logan D’Amore (1:37.83), Jason Hamilton (1:38.87), and Nicholas Goudie (1:35.37) combined for a time of 6:28.29 to take down Johns Hopkins’ former record of 6:29.27 from all the way back in 2013. Goudie was the team’s top scorer with 47 points, and Hamilton and diver Lucas Bumgarner followed with 36 and 33 points respectivley.

There was an incredibly tight rae for second place, with Johns Hopkins edging out Denison by just 0.5 points.

Emory’s win marks the first time an NCAA DIII champion has been crowned since 2019, as the 2020 and 2021 championships were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emory’s Full 2022 NCAA DIII Men’s Championship Roster:

Swimmer Year Points Event Place Time Event Place Time Event Place Time
Nicholas Goudie SO 47 50 Free 2 19.76 200 Free 3 1:36.24 100 Free 5 43.85
Jason Hamilton SR 36 500 Free 27 4:32.46 100 Breast 3 53.49 200 Breast 1 1:55.83
Lucas Bumgarner JR 33 3 mtr Diving 2 512.7 1 Mtr Diving 3 523.7
Pat Pema JR 29 500 Free 4 4:24.54 200 Free 5 1:37.46 100 Free 24 44.77
Jake Meyer SO 20 50 Free 60 21.1 100 Breast 6 54.1 200 Breast 11 1:58.71
Ryan Gibbons SO 17 200 IM 32 1:50.65 400 IM 4 3:54.90 1650 Free 15 15:47.55
Adam Copses SO 13 500 Free 13 4:28.48 400 IM 23 4:04.75 1650 Free 9 15:29.05
Ryan Soh JR 12 50 Free 54 20.81 100 Fly 9 47.67 100 Back 14 48.31
Sean Byman SR 11 200 IM 25 1:50.20 400 IM 8 3:55.40 200 Fly 20 1:49.61
Crow Thorsen FR 11 200 IM 29 1:50.47 400 IM 9 3:56.27 200 Fly 15 1:50.54
Jeff Echols FR 8 200 IM 45 1:52.38 100 Fly 12 48.15 200 Fly 14 1:50.42
Logan D’Amore SO 6 500 Free 12 4:27.27 200 Free 16 1:39.70
Will O’Daffer JR 5 200 IM 26 1:50.25 400 IM 12 3:57.75 200 Back 28 1:51.50
Lawrence Redmond JR 3.5 200 IM 40 1:51.86 100 Back 21 49.02 200 Back 13 1:47.29
Colin Lafave JR 3 50 Free 14 20.24 100 Back 17 48.59 100 Free 27 44.87
Alex Pollack FR 1 500 Free 39 4:38.77 100 Back 15 49.41 200 Back 16 1:47.37
Dylan Yin FR 1 50 Free 58 20.95 100 Fly 32 49.07 200 Fly 16 1:51.70
Hwamin Sim SR 50 Free 57 20.94 100 Fly 36 49.28 100 Free 54 46.24


Relay Swimmers Place Time
200 Medley Relay Ryan Soh, Jake Meyer, Hwamin Sim, Colin Lafave 1 1:27.08
200 Free Relay Colin Lafave, Pat Pema, Logan D’Amore, Nicholas Goudie 2 1:19.56
400 Medley Relay Ryan Soh, Jason Hamilton, Jeff Echols, Nicholas Goudie 7 3:13.48
800 Free Relay Pat Pema, Logan D’Amore, Jason Hamiltom, Nicholas Goudie 1 6:28.69
400 Free Relay Nicholas Goudie, Pat Pema, Logan D’Amore, Colin Lafave 2 2:56.04

Final Scores:

1. Emory 427.5
2. Johns Hopkins 340
3. Denison 339.5
4. Williams 290
5. Kenyon 282.5
6. Mit 275.5
7. Chicago 257
8. Claremont MS 230.5
9. Wash U MO 158
10. Rowan 109
11. Nyu 106
12. Calvin 98
13. John Carroll 94
14. Carnegie Mellon 91.5
15. Pomona-Pitzer 72
16. UW Eau Claire 64
17. Franklin & Marshall 62
18. Ithaca 57
19. Tcnj 56
20. Cal Lutheran 53
21. Tufts 49
21. Whitman 49
23. Whitworth 37
24. Bates 35
25. Suny Geneseo 34
26. Trinity University 29
27. Rhodes College 24
28. Caltech 21
29. Westminster 20
30. Coast Guard 19
31. Swarthmore 15
32. Springfield College 14
33. Stevens 11
34. Conn College 9
35. Birmingham Southern 6
36. Hope College 5
37. Franklin College 3
37. Catholic UA 3
39. Bowdoin 2
39. Colby 2
41. Roger Williams 1
41. Carthage 1
41. Gustavus 1

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3 years ago

I’d like to thank SwimSwam for their fantastic coverage of this meet, especially given the challenge that it coincided with D1 women’s NCAAs. On behalf of D3 swimmers and swammers everywhere, thank you!

Sunday Morning Grind
Reply to  THEO
3 years ago

Agreed! The hype was unreal

3 years ago

the depth that Emory has is just crazy. They maxed out their NCAA roster and had more guys at home who could have scored.

3 years ago

Gotta say, it’s impressive Denison managed third without having even one finish in the top 2. Guess the team race really prioritizes quantity over quality.

N. Sheldon
3 years ago

Hey guys, I forgot the meet was happening until late last night and only caught the part of the team awards ceremony where they handed out trophies. I did not happen to see the Kenyon men at all during this ceremony. Can someone confirm whether or not the kenyon men made it to the meet? I am very worried about them.

Reply to  N. Sheldon
3 years ago

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘

Last edited 3 years ago by Bradley
Sunday Morning Grind
Reply to  N. Sheldon
3 years ago

Heard they were busying busting out 1RM deadlifts

About Yanyan Li

Yanyan Li

Although Yanyan wasn't the greatest competitive swimmer, she learned more about the sport of swimming by being her high school swim team's manager for four years. She eventually ventured into the realm of writing and joined SwimSwam in January 2022, where she hopes to contribute to and learn more about …

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