by Garrett McCaffrey 14
June 27th, 2012
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Mel, Garrett, Braden, and a special guest tell you what to watch for in the 3rd finals session at the US Olympic Swimming and Diving Championships.
June 27th, 2012
puuleese NBC hire Garret for the after swim questioning! This is ridiculous with Andrea Kramer. Liven this thing up with a dynamic personality.
John26: Your wishes have been fullfilled ! 58.85 ! right on spot !
Whoa whoa whoa, “CanuckSwimmer” won yesterday? WE LET A CANADIAN BEAT US?!?!?!
This is ever so depressing.
Also, it looked like Soni has somewhat changed her stroke? Not sure if anyone else is seeing this, it seems like it has more pop. However, she looked like she went all out tonight, not sure how much faster she can get.
really? You don’t think that it will take sub59 to win tonight?
I’ve rewatched the semis from last night, Bootsma was actually creating less turbulence in the water around her than Franklin, which I found extremely interesting. Franklin definitely had the more imperfect race, she was really short on her strokes going into the wall. I feel that these simple corrections could already put her in the 58.8 territory. I’m expecting a show tonight
Garrett and Mel are seasoned pros.
Mel, you’re lookin’ pretty fit these days, no?
Braden Keith is so good in giving objective analyses and prediction.
I think these three guys should be the commentators for the olympics.
Garrett has enough enthusiasm and energy, but not overly done like that Rowdy Gaines
Atleast one of them should replace Andrea Kramer for post race interviews!
Mel Stewart’s face and demeanor remind me of Will Arnett, that guy from the TV comedy series Arrested Development
Gotta get some sulfur hexafluoride before one of these and it’ll be that much more apt a comparison.